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Get Rid of the Disrespect Rules

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You heard me.


Aegean and others will probably be mad about this but I want to talk about it anyway.


What has the new disrespect system exactly added to the server? Has it made the xG community a safer, more enjoyable experience, or has it created an environment where people are afraid to even joke around with someone in the server?


Recently, I have been the victim of (and read many threads) about the disrespect rules. I am not speaking about someone having disrespected me personally, but me (and others) being accused of disrespecting someone else. I am here to argue that these new rules simply give people the power to arbitrarily ban when they feel that someone has said someone they don't like, as opposed to something that personally offended them.



CT Kills T Legitimately

CT: LOl ur a slimy nigga sit!


*Files ban request*

T: Herrderrr that was so funne now we'll see whose laffin 0_0


I think the intentions of these rules were true but too many admins and moderators are taking them to great lengths. I propose that we either lessen the severity of these rules or get rid of them all together, since they are only ending up in people who are otherwise productive members getting banned.


If this is already being dealt with, im sorry.


@Aegean @@McNeo @@silence @@BillyMays @@PapiChulo

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There is a big difference between joking around and disrespect, which has been discussed a number of times.


I find it interesting how one of the top people reported for disrespect is trying to get the rule lifted. I giggled.

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There is a big difference between joking around and disrespect, which has been discussed a number of times.


I find it interesting how one of the top people reported for disrespect is trying to get the rule lifted. I giggled.


lol I said in the thread how it wasn't just me and recently there have been threads of people getting 6 hour bands and perm bans for something that really should have the most minor punishment possible. It's like trying to get rid of bullying in the school yard, it's a bandaid solution for a human problem.

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Don't need to remove the rule. Need to talk to Mods and Admins that are completely abusing the rule.

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That's actually a really good point RPG. But I feel there is such a large amount of mods/admins abusing the rule that there would need to be a little more than just a talking to.

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Implement No tolerance policy and say anyone caught abusing the disrespect rule will lose admin/mod instantly and lets see how many people are getting kicked/banned for disrespect.



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There has to be a general rule about disrespect. When it gets hateful or downright bullies people to the point they don't want to play. Then it's a problem. No one cares if a kid cries over a little shit talking. I do care when someone is being singled out and victimized or someone on the server thinks they can talk to people however they want and break all the rules. I don't care how much you think your liked or how much you think you have the support of other mods/admins. If you are blatantly nasty to someone/people just to grind them into the dirt or think your funny and take it too far. Your gonna have a bad time. :chargrined:

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Implement No tolerance policy and say anyone caught abusing the disrespect rule will lose admin/mod instantly and lets see how many people are getting kicked/banned for disrespect.




that's extreme and I like it, but would anyone actually agree to that? I think too many people would be afraid to get their stuff taken away to agree to a rule like that. Maybe I should have rephrased my post, don't get rid of it all together because it's somewhat necessary, but do something like this. I wonder if a co leader would agree.

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Any mod/admin who uses "Disrespect" as an excuse to ban someone for no reason will be put on probation. The rule we have now is great. We just have fucking idiots enforcing it.


This is your only warning for you mods/admins.


If you fuck up with the disrespect rule you will lose your powers for a period of time. If you're just completely retarded with it you'll lose your powers indefinitely. Not that hard. Disrespect is disrespect.

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Any mod/admin who uses "Disrespect" as an excuse to ban someone for no reason will be put on probation. The rule we have now is great. We just have fucking idiots enforcing it.


This is your only warning for you mods/admins.


If you fuck up with the disrespect rule you will lose your powers for a period of time. If you're just completely retarded with it you'll lose your powers indefinitely. Not that hard. Disrespect is disrespect.


YOU CALLED ME A RETARD! *bans* i feel better now. The rule didnt change. The punishment did...now stop being butthurt pricks and stop using disrespect as a scapegoat to ban someone. Honestly? Why do our 16 (maybe) and up mods act like theyre prepubescent assholes? Its the internet. You should still be gagging/kicking first. No one could have hurt you THAT bad by calling you a faggot...

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Honestly, the mods/admins we have here are too young. They take everything too personally and when they get disrespected they feel the need to show everyone how alpha they are with this "I don't take shit from anyone" and its honestly hilarious.


You guys all need to grow a pair and harden the fuck up.


Nobody thinks you are cool since you banned a kid for dissing you. It just makes you a pussy and eventually we are going to get a bunch of people to +1 an admin abuse thread and get you removed.


You know who you are, and you have been warned


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Honestly, the mods/admins we have here are too young. They take everything too personally and when they get disrespected they feel the need to show everyone how alpha they are with this "I don't take shit from anyone" and its honestly hilarious.


You guys all need to grow a pair and harden the fuck up.


Nobody thinks you are cool since you banned a kid for dissing you. It just makes you a pussy and eventually we are going to get a bunch of people to an admin abuse thread and get you removed.


You know who you are, and you have been warned



can i have sex with you? never seen someone say more truth than fucking that. god damn.

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