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Regarding my Inactivity

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hey guys narwhal here, im just here to say that im sorry for my inactivity of recent my family has been pretty stressed out because my sister is getting married this weekend and iv been trying to help my parents and her as much as possible, so iv been kinda busy. also my Senior year of high school has started and iv been focused on getting homework and such done. This first semester of school i will be pretty focused on school work so i may not be on as much as people would like me to be or i would like to be. So i just want to say to you all that i will miss you guys for the times i will not see you and i will definitively try to be on as much as possible. If you guys ever need to contact me just message me here at xenogamers.com on my profile, or message me on steam, my name is [xG:M] SuperNarwhal [The Family] so just message me there if u need any advice or anything.


I love you all and hope you all have a great time here in the xG community


Love, Narwhal

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