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Although I do not have the required time or forums posts, I have been playing jailbreak on xG server since last summer (2011) , and having recently become very active on the CS:GO servers I have noticed the extreme lack of mods and server control. At peak times one or team mods often find it challenging to moderate the entire server (especially with the lack of free cam) and I am often on when there are no mods to be found. I know that several other people have brought up the lack of moderation manpower and I have not seen a whole lot of people step forward. Being a new member (although not a new jb player) and having improved a lot as far as knowledge of rules goes I feel that I would be a potential candidate for the position of CS:GO mod. Some may disagree with me and I understand that. I may not be the right person for this job, but I will advertise my availability in order to help out where I can. Thanks in advance for your time and feedback.


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We have to make it so you can't post applications until you meet the requirments. Too many people keep posting even though 10's of people have been denied in the past. Sorry bro, you have to meet the minimum requirments to make an application.


The only other way you can get promoted is if div's or higher see that you deserve it and they will promote you themselves. A good way to get noticed is teamspeak.

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you just joined personally i'm all for more mods on CS go but so far from what i've seen of the insta promoted to mod members they kinda sit there as a mod and don't really enforce the server rules which i find quite bad when we have shit tons of people breaking rules thinking it's okay when another mod let it, so since your new and since i've yet to see you display that you even know the rules of the server you want mod on -1

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need to wait 2 months and u need 100 forum posts, the reason why u need 100 posts is to prove that ur active on the forums and that u contribute ideas and help out the clan itself


-sealed away in the last great time war

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