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Black Mesa in 1 day

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Not sure if anyone really cares, but the HL2 mod Black Mesa, which is essentially a remake of Half Life using the source engine, is being released tomorrow. The mod will be released on steam but it is uncertain if the release and the steam release will be the same.


Was wondering if anyone has been following this for the past 6 years, and if anyone will be getting it. The game is only finished to the very end of lambda core, when you teleport the game ends. Apparently, the xen levels will be a DLC in the coming months.


For all the Half Life fans, like myself, this game will be amazing.

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Ive been following it for 3 years on moddb. And stopped caring after a year. I figured it was never going to be released, as they have promised 'soon to be released' many times before. it has caught DukeNukem herpes.

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I've beaten half life over a dozen times lol, i've submitted my speedruns to a couple of websites. im most definitely downloading this

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Released earlier today, but all the official servers are basically overloaded.


It got greenlit by steam, so I might just wait till then, would be way easier and faster.


If you do decide to torrent it, unless you have awesome speeds, I'd throttle your bandwith. I have a lot of people telling me they keep going over.

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Dear God, I have been waiting ages for Black Mesa Source. Just when I had given up hope of it ever becoming a reality, they made a forum post. It's all cominggggg trueeeee!

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