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Tekkit - ideas

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The tekkit server needs to get populated. But it cant get populated if the server is griefed,which it is. I think the server needs to have a restart. We also need to promote the server, and have less banned items. Or, if you're a member, you can use banned items. That might be a way to get more members of xG. Also Donaters can get access to even more banned items. Just some ideas to repopularise tekkit.



@@Microsoft @@Deodate @Brian

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I've been planning to work on the server but I have had school and I somewhat have a job that I do and I rarely have time to work on it. I don't think there is too many banned items. If anything not enough such as red matter tools and dark matter stuff. They make it too easy to grief and the only way to protect it from happening is to ban them. I don't have school this Friday so ill maybe restart the map try to find builders for a new spawn and work on banning things and on perms.

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Red Matter and Dark Matter tools dont work anyway. Items we need to ban however are the two amulets, I figure that's the reason spawn has so much lava. We also need to ban the void ring, it has a dupe glitch.

Thanks for helping.


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