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Sousei GMOD TTT Ban Appeal

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In-Game Name:Sousei

What Game?:GMOD-TTT

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:37854901

Ban Reason:N/A

Unban Reason:I think I was banned for low karma? The server glitched with several other players including an admin on the server when I was on. I had 400 karma from 1200 after one match with several other players.

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One of these things, or both, would be appreciated:


-A screenshot, or some sort of proof of players having low karma

-Testimony from another player (witness)


What admin was on with you? Did the "karma glitch" happen once or multiple times?


Need more info.


I will get @@Charrax and @@Aeon on this.

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One of these things, or all, would be appreciated:


-A screenshot, or some sort of proof of players having low karma

-Testimony from another player (witness)


What admin was on with you? Did the "karma glitch" happen once or multiple times?


Need more info.


To be honest, I havent been on for three days since. Im assuming I got banned for low karma and if that was the case, I didn't take any screenshots but If I dont recall buckethead was on with me when this happened. He said "Wtf, why is my karma 100" and logged off right after, could ask him. There were several other players on the server at the time but I dont recall their names. This only happened once since I've been on this server.


Thanks a lot though Sham.

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Sousei never breaks rules ever.


Also the server has been glitchy as Garry secretly updated some mini-updates before GM13.


GM13 is out and you will be unbanned when the servers are working again.

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