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Medal Of Honor

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I was thinking about it but going against halo and cod fanboys during the holiday season will prolly cuz a small population online

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well black ops 2 is coming out in less then 3 weeks and i know im going to play that a lot but medal of honor when the newest one came out b4 this one the servers were full for a long time i forgot what the name was, but it was around the same time that BF 3 was released, I am a fan of all 3 of the games for the long history and the single player game play all from WWI to present time and future.

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I never got the last one cuz i heard so many bad reviews about the game but I'll probably get all 3 and see which one I like the most and end up being a try hard in that one xD

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i usually just downloaded the game to to play SP to try to gameplay design and then try out the multiplayer with my friends if it sucked then nah i wouldn't get it but this is way easier then when u try to play like splinter cell or ghost recon online those fucking games require so much patience, sneaking around, and camping. Black Ops 2 will have co-op zombies or 4 vs zombies, 4 vs 4 vs zombies that will be hectic and regular FPS multiplayer

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I agree, I always just play those game's campaign then return them or sell on craigs list lol but I would only get black ops 2 for the zombies the multiplayer looks like it will have too much shit and just be a noobfest

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yea that's pretty much why i got it is for zombies cuz zombies has its own campaign 2 that's what i read but not 100% sure, the multiplayer looks weird cuz the futuristic look and stuff but when BF 2042 came out it was the same concept and it actually worked out good, the other game is Far Cry 3 with great MP so far

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Yea I heard it will have a campaign too but 2042 was filled with 12 year old cod fanboys lol but i totally forgot about far cry 3 but have heard really good reviews for MP so i might check it out too

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yea i was reading bout it in the magazine i got , theres a new dead island coming out I gotta get that cuz its made by a bunch if Polaks of course lol and GTA IV these are pretty much the games im waiting for nothing else that caught my eye so far

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I didnt like dead island cuz it was too survival lol but GTA 5 doesnt come out till next year but im forsure getting that too

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dead island was fuck what you played the online co-op got a lil easier and way more funner to go bash zombies with special weapons and earn cash, yea GTA V will be intense after seeing how max payne 3 looked and they are making a whole new engine and remaking every car and character to look different from each other

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Well I played it, but it's not really my thing. Tbh I'm not even that much for campaigns on most FPS's, especially war ones. Although I have enjoyed a few like MW3, short as it was.

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