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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/21 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Re-add masscc to TGH

    Alright, gonna keep my case stupid and simple. History: This was on our non-TGH trade server, and was added to TGH by request when that went down. A while back, someone whined it wasn't 'gaming history', and it's been off rotation for a few years. First- - This is a trade map with a lot of fun extras and mini-games for events, like a functioning Connect 4 board. Deathmatch is fun, but this allowed for a wider variety of TGH community events. Second- - What if I told you this map could constitute as gaming history? Let me explain. No, it's not from a classic N64 or PS1 era video game, but MassCC is a map from a defunct TF2 server that used to be large eight years ago. Furthermore, while not traditionally fallling under TGH map guidelines, the fact it represents our own defunct general trade server means it, in some regards, represents a part of XG history. Also, even if we ignore all that, there's still references to a game older than anything currently in our map rotation. Yes, Connect 4 was first released as a board game in 1974, and was later used in first-party a Nintendo game in the Switch sequel to classic NDS title 'Clubhouse Games'. No, it's not as 'in-theme' as a lot of other TGH maps, but it also wasn't a bad map, and it was an important part of both TF2 and XG history.
  2. 1 point

    Re-add masscc to TGH

    frankly seeing a lot of cool maps taken down for that reasoning over the years while we still have shit like airstrip in active rotation, and we've not added any new maps in several years? maybe not the right thread, but, please for the love of Christ loosen the theming a little
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