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Posts posted by Ero_Sennin78

  1. What's a weird occurence, if any, that happened recently, about the time you moved?


    I answer the phones for business's and one of them had a call come in from a lady. I couldn't tell what she was asking at first so I had her repeat herself. Then I thought I didn't hear her right and repeated the name of the company. She was like.. thats ok.. so can I pray for you? I was like.... um sure. and sat and listened to her pray thanked her and hung up.

  2. Okay let me describe in detail and tell me if you see if i did something wrong here.


    Have to leave school because my mom came to pick me up.


    she bruises herself with her clarinet.


    asks me to get her a bandaid from the office all the way across campus and bring it back.


    mother is yelling at me over phone.


    have to leave so politely say i can't.


    get yelled at on both ends.


    WTF MATE?!


    Seriously though it had nothing to do with her bruise. She was upset you chose your mom/anything else over her. Instead of a sweet story for her to tell her friends. She complains about how selfish you are. Irrational? yes. Unfair? Defiantly... That just how girls think man. You learn eventually no matter how right you are, you have to pick your battles and let them win sometimes. They learn from a young age their tits and ass hold all the power.


    Don't get me wrong, its a fine line. They don't want to be able to walk all over either.. or they will not respect you. It a stupid double standard that still plagues the most intelligent of people. Good luck my son... Go with God





    p.s. In case you did not get my reference earlier about band camp ...



  3. So... why did you made all the shitty mistakes in your youth? Were you like the other kids with no grasp of what reality in the work force is? Or were you one of those kids who didn't give a fucked. Also, do you regret any decisions you made in your youth?


    ^Exactly. We all have regrets and , yes , I wish I didn't fuck off school or run with the wrong crowd. My mistakes still follow me today.


    ---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------


    Have you ever done drugs? If so, which? How did they make you feel?


    Weed= paranoid mostly sometimes it was worth it. Coke= waste of time. makes you feel anxious and grit your teeth. fucks up your nose and sinuses. makes you feel like you have not had enough. acid= everything melts and breathes! other stuff too.... also don't even bother trying to eat or sleep for 8+ hours. then your hung over. nitrous= you fall back inside of yourself like 3-d and hear a waaahhh-waaahhh noise. its wierd and not worth doing again. many pills.. again not worth the trouble. some designer drugs ..all crap. only thing I have not done and want to try is Ecstasy.

  4. What's your current housing situation?


    I share a house with 2 others. Though I have my own entrance and such. I don't see them much either so it works out fine.


    ---------- Post added at 12:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------


    What attracted you to Naruto? Do you have any other animes that interest you?


    I have been watching anime since before I knew what it was. Thunder cats.. so on. Had Japanese animators. When Adult Swim first started I got back into anime more with Cowboy Bebop and Trigun then eventually Fullmetal Alchemist. I remembered watching old episodes of DBZ before they were televised and Tenchi Muyo. I got hooked on harem comedys. I also ofcourse watched all the classic movies. Akira, Fist of the North Star, Ninja scroll..etc


    I like Naruto because he gets shit on so much and always comes back with a good attitude and always felt for him. So I stuck with it. I shed a tear when he met his mom and dad threw the chakra they left in him.

  5. You motherfucker. You create a shitty thread like the fucking ^banned thread. Then you leave for forever. Then you come back and make a NEW shitty thread. You sir, are a penis. I am impressed by your ability to make many mushroom stamps on these forums. I applaud your efforts. But i will kill you.


    You loved that thread. You will love this one. I left because I lost my job and moved. I am good now though thanks for asking.

  6. *NEW GAME* Ask *AN old fucker...


    My question, you're 33, why don't you use proper grammar. Baddie<3


    Because I never finished High School I dropped out. I have my GED. Also, its the Xeno gamers forums where you all talk about ponys and buttsecks. I shoud make sure my grammar is correct? Also I think it funny when someone questions proper grammar they make sure their post is correct. Though I am sure I could find countless posts from you all that have worse grammar than me.


    ---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------


    How many jobs have you had? Did you like them? What is your current job?


    I have had MANY jobs. When I first started I had a paper route and it was BALLS. I hated it. Then when I was 15 I worked at Six Flags: Great America. That jobs was equally balls except I could get into the park for free. I never wanted to go working there all the time though lol. I had a few fast food jobs then I was running away from home all the time and eventually went to jail.


    The job I work now is awesome I answer the phones for a company that dispatches messages for Doctors and on call people like HVAC and plumbers. Its very chill. Some times it gets busy and stressful but I like it.

  7. hot story. i was eating....


    If you did a spit take with your cereal or vomited and then caused a chain reaction with the rest of your family and they started puking... then my friend it was totally worth the pair of underwear. :snowman:

  8. Ask me anything. I just turned 33 and I have done and thought pretty much everything you have already. Only thing is when you ask a REAL question, you have to admit ONE REAL embarrassing thing. Be honest or this wont work and I will just ask the thread to be closed. I am doing this cause all the members here are basically young and you would be surprised how much you all have in common.


    Learn from my mistakes or follow them.


    Up to you.


    *Ice breaker here* I got so drunk I emptied my bladder and my ass into my underwear while I was still semi conscious and at the time I didn't care. Though sneaking the underwear off and throwing them away is a spy mission in itself and the clean up sucks.

  9. The moral of the story is that Jailbreak sucks. It has for awhile. It is populated and can be so much better then it is. Like I said I like JB and will keep coming back. It just upsets me that I can't come on and play cause of stuff like the video I posted. Yes I was more upset and Chrono took the blunt of it cause he was the only one there soo.. sorry for that. However, my point has been made. I miss JB and will just play when it is like 1/4 full or go to another server. Period. You can close this thread lol.

  10. Look guys I am not here to say I want back in xG or I want a mod. I just wanted to show the state of things and why everyone I talk to hates jailbreak. *I was not blocking the door btw, thats why I was showing my distance with the knife"


    Seriously though Chrono I don't mean to single you out... but things were out of control and you did NOTHING lol. I know its hard with so many people, but you got to speak up man or take you M: off lol. That was one of my biggest issues when I left. The constant promotions and no one took it serious when they got it, or followed the rules. I will always play on xG servers I love to still play jailbreak. Not when its like that though and it pisses me off. This is Sat night one of your most traffic heavy nights I assume and one poor mod that doesn't want to stand up to everyone. W/E I will just play minigames ..


    On another note.. Site looks great and I love the CTF server. At least you do that right Silence lol.



    And yes I did post this in the wrong spot but I don't really want Chrono to lose his mod as long as he does his job.

  11. I remember when I was like "Wooooooo he re-applied!" and then he disappeared again -.- lol


    Good to have you back noww


    Yea...long story it sucked -_-. However. I am in a new town and place and have a new job. I am not going anywhere now.

  12. Am I the only one doing this. I will show you my progress tomorrow maybe.


    ---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 PM ----------


    Am I the only one doing this. I will show you my progress tomorrow maybe.

  13. Be honest, its good to connect with other people and realize they have the same problems you do or more. Girls will think your sensitive and cuddle on you. Obviously don't cry your eyes out but be straight with them.