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Posts posted by GeneralColt

  1. Yea um Guys hard to believe but, if ur freekilled and the killer.. doesnt get slayed plz, STFU we don't care, sucks for u, i mean yea sure well try and slay them but. Slay him for this, slay him for that HOLY MOTHER Of God learn to play or go to ur bed and cry. Im sick of being slayed for a misinterpretation, or when a t is pissed at a me becuase im better then they are. FREEKILLING happens.

  2. I think i can help by putting music and other pics, videos together to make a good xG movie, i work with HTML coding and other gaming codes, java gaming codes r fun, so i can use this to make it a game of a movie of a game.

  3. LOL the thing is Mc danalds driving a car and pointing while laughing saying "LOL internet"

    and i am a good member, im always on and i win, im done, srry Duckii <3 u. Bye G2g Study sum more 4 Math

    THank u for helping me annoy myself !

    <3 u Duckii, ill come for u first in any Trouble!