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Posts posted by GeneralColt

  1. I want IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barack obama will not succed and hes not dumb enough to pull out of afgan, like his dad was to late to do with his mom! PULL OUT!

  2. I will wait a sec, screw im not gonna do anything if u dont want me 2, But i will still save u whether or not u want me 2, still Duckii, U Survive and we can play CSS together!, NOT IN LOVE, just <3 Duckii!

  3. Is there an achievement 4 it, because its an achievement for me. <3 u Duckii! BARRACK OBAMA isn't doing that much, and the media is pounding him like a dog with wheels as legs!

  4. Im not spamming im trying to be the last person to talk on every thread on the front page, LIke barrackobama i love 2 Win!, Ur stopping me Duckii! ;(

  5. OK equal rights UM HUM its more like ur rich = u can do what u want! We put currency over everything man, the man is staring at us!

    A disco ball is just hanging by a thread!