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Everything posted by GeneralColt

  1. Zombie Survival | Cracked.com U Cant Beat this... I love KILLING zombies, i have an account on Zombie Survival Pedia.. I have a gun in my backyard under ground. Im 16, i have an escape plan, i know who and what i should rob first. Rob the museum (Guantlets + armor for fighting)... Sports store for equipment. Lightweight. And My Nearby DOLLER STORE for all the survival first aids and other kits they have there along with freaking weapons. I know WTF! Fuck the gun store... thats where everyones going. Next comes The nearby Mitsubishi SUV store and then i go to my 5 minute away NOFRILLS.. with all the good shit... (PISTACHIOS), NO JUNK FOOD. Next I go Straight to Fort Whatever in North CANADA where there are 86 greehouses... enough to make food forever and its build with steel + rock Fortifications + Nuke bunker 1965. Oh Yea im FUCKING ready for this SHIT man
  2. srry i have a PS3- i know (xbox is better ) un- NOT!
  3. GeneralColt

    lolwut deagle

    LOL i agree awesome deagle all kill!
  4. LOL u answered it in 2 minutes , and yes i agree But think about it, u make friend and they tell u to aboandon ur old ones to join new ones
  5. Possible the most annoying thing ever, you go on a server 2 have some different fun and its "Join Our Clan and then ur like WTF, I think i have some options here hum:...
  6. Yea, i suggest bringing Votekick back but after 3 votekickes = voteban enabled. On the other hand we have soooo many admins we should have this problem, Maybe u should have more Admins that PLAY!!! lol (wink wink) Joking!!!!!
  7. How bout a Rank Zombie vs. Humans Server, With upgradable guns, and or buing of cool equipment, like batmobile speed, or utility belt. OR Wcs Zombie mod. OMG how bought the first RPG zombie mod
  8. Ur not that old, a 43 year old playes CSS OMFG Perverted bro eh, nice tatoos, get 1 on ur ass. LOL Joking
  9. GeneralColt

    Seeya xeno

    We wil miss- Who is he? watever , just good Luck and Stuff
  10. GeneralColt


    Awesome Spray Right Here [ATTACH]14.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]15.vB[/ATTACH]
  11. If recommending yourself -I would list my good qualities first- not sure if here are any really bad ones. Your in-game name: GeneralColt Your real name: Damian Torubka Age:15 How long have you been playing CSS: Since last year with this account but 10 years ago as Ghetto_pimp_baller (banned by brother) Your favorite game: Jail break by xenogamers- Your !servers are good too, mini games r cool. Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: I kill for the fun of it, im good at listening, teamwork is key, I listen to the people taliking to me, well im nice ( Canadian)