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Posts posted by Excision

  1. Basic Game Sense.


    okay, so i'm gonna talk about how you can tell what to do better in game, then being confused and getting owned.

    First, sound is a huge factor in this game, if someone calls you a soundwhore, tell them that they are a fool.

    If you can hear your enemy coming, you have an instant advantage, almost like wallhacks, after a while of playing

    you will really get your timing down on when they come around the corner, for an easy headshot.


    Knowing when to push, and when not to push is a huge thing. Let's say, your up banana on t side inferno, at car, you hear

    4 cts rushing down banana, do you run out and try to get a 4k? giving yourself a huge disadvantage? no.

    you SHOULD, IF you have a flash, try to time it perfectly, peek out try to get some frags while they are blind, and high tail

    it out of there.


    ESEA and playing scrimmage, gives you a lot better game sense then playing jailbreak all day!


    even pubbing will help you get this in game knowledge to help you own scrubs!


    i am working on game sense myself at this moment, so sorry this part of the tutorial is so short, noone can really teach game sense, it

    is something you need to learn yourself.


    P.S. i am a scrub at making tutorials so hate me if you will! :D

  2. There are a few ways to improve aiming. First of all, deathmatching is the number one way!

    You will get into a hell of a lot more shoot outs then in a non dm server.

    When I DM, i usually just do a set number of frags 100 ak/100 m4. Usually have a deagle equipped also.

    Most of your kills while deathmatching will usually are due to an unfair advantage to you.

    The thing you must focus on is the select few times you come face to face with an enemy, while having

    the same oppurtunity to kill you as you have to kill him, if you kill him? great! Did you control your burst or spray perfectly?

    Did you strafe perfectly making him miss all his shots while you hit yours? If you fail to kill the enemy, think of what you

    could of done better, you will have a great chance to try again soon since it is a death match server.



    The second way to improve aim, is aimmapping!

    Aim maps are a great way to work on aim and positioning, you don't get spawns where you can get gayed like a deathmatch server.

    You won't get shot in the back, and you won't rape 100 enemies in the back.

    The big thing to work on here is crosshair placement and movement. You wouldn't re peek the same box on aim_map,

    so why re peek any angle? Your setting yourself up for death, an enemy already pre aimed at angle you just peaked, usually has

    a huge advantage on you.


    Aiming is all about muscle memory/reflex. Where you position your crosshair, and how you prepare is what is difficult about aiming.


    Where you position yourself, and where you position your crosshair will decide if you or the enemy will get the frag!

    knowing where your enemies will peak from, and where to place your crosshair in regards to that will give you an instant advantage!


    Left eye peeks.


    when you strafe peek an angle, where your left eye will see the enemy before your right eye, you will have a huge advantage, you will

    be able to see your enemies head, before they can see yours. It is not a bug, nor a glitch, but just the way the game works, so keep

    that in mind!


    P.S. My paragraphs are haggard :)

  3. if you read the post correctly, you would know that I am looking for someone who doesn't play wow, to start with the RaF.

    and when i was 13 i thought the horde was cool and the alliance was for faggots, then i grew up and realized that most kids go horde to be " bad ♥♥♥ monsters " and more mature players go for the alliance.

  4. that is the most accurate depiction of jailbreak i have seen in my life, i hope one day it can be the way it used to be, with 2 servers both 24/24 so ITS ACTUALLY PLAYABLE BUT NOONE CARES ABOUT WHAT ANYONE HAS TO SAY. nobody in their right mind wants to play in a server with 60 kids screaming about how they got freekilled or like raging or trolling every 3 seconds.

  5. I am looking for someone to do RaF with me in wow.


    It works by me sending someone an email which links them to make a battle.net account for wow.


    They then have 300 % XP in game when playing with me which is a hell of a lot faster leveling. WoW is only free to level 20, so at that point you would have to buy the battlechest which you can get online on sale now for just FIVE dollars which includes both started expansions and gets to level 70, once they reach 70 the next expansion is on sale for 10 dollars to level 80, then the final current expansion is on sale for 20 dollars! that is a total of 45 dollars in savings! The sale is over after christmas i am pretty sure, this is just me trying to help out someone get into wow for cheap and level up fast to get to the endgame content which really is what WoW is all about.


    if anyone would like to do this, simply add me on steam or talk to me on teamspeak.


    btw if you are going to do this, don't make an account, you have to open an email from me with the RaF account and details inside.

  6. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone, in fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. - It's at the end of Bodom Beach Terror by Children of Bodom, but everyone knows that clip is from American Psycho.

  7. Member Name: Excision


    In-Game Name: Excision


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15812659


    Age: 18


    Game Time: CS:S since 2008 on and off, minecraft since 2007


    Helpful Skills: ive been moderator, admin, and co leader of this clan before, and i love you..

  8. I'm leaving xG. not because everyone else is leaving, but because i don't want to be an admin anymore, i want to play games to have fun, rather then be a chore, no hard feelings to anyone. gonna miss you guys. sorry for the random leave, ill still play on xG servers from time to time.


    goodbye everyone, i wish you the best of luck.