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Posts posted by Excision

  1. i vouch for him, simply because he would take his duties as clan juice box boy seriously. Therefore ensuring all clan members he hydrated at all times, i think this is a crucial part of the clan and we should seriously consider his offer.



  2. I have seen t's doing hot potatoe as lr, and glitching them into the wall purposely so they cant move, or for another example teleporting them into somewhere they can get out of but it takes a while, which is a complete **** move, fellow clan members claim " this is legal ", which i really dont think it is. just wanna see if we can get that added to the motd. that if you glitch someone into a wall, or somewhere thats not in a open area and make it unfair, which again is a pain in the ***, then you should be slayed. and if you do it again after youve already been slayed and warned its a ban for a day.

  3. I'm not understanding why people are complaining that there are a lot of underage kids (like myself) getting into the clan. It's really ok, as long as you know they ARE mature.


    I think xG should implement an observance period for the underage members that want to be accepted.


    1) Specified members will keep an eye out for this member or members.

    2) The specified members in question must possess the following traits

    • Unbiased

    • Reasonable

    • Trustworthy


    3) The observance period should last a week. It will last longer if they need more time.

    4) There doesn't always have to be someone on duty watching him/her.

    5) The underage member will be notified of the observance period. He/she will NOT know the members watching him, because of the flaw of not always being on duty.

    6) The members watching him must be an odd number (besides 1). 3 or 5 is an ok number.

    7) If they pass the observance period, they may be accepted in xG

    8) If they do not pass the observance period, they will learn why and how they can improve. They may try a week or two later if they are determined to get into xG.

    9) They have 2 chances, and 2 chances ONLY.

    10) Things that the specified members should observe for is

    • How respectful the person is

    • How he/she reacts to a rulebreaking situations (freekilling, cellspam, etc)

    • Interaction with fellow members of the community and out of the community

    • How often the person is active


    I think this is a good idea for the community. It will make the members work to be more active patrons and to see who is determined to stay in the clan/get into the clan.


    If you think any members should undergo an observance period if this is accepted, please post here.


    Post ideas, fixes, any flaws, or anything else relevant to the situation.


    Thank you for reading.


    Personally, i think this is a great idea. It would keep the immature kids who don't know how to be in a semi mature gaming community. I really think that we should use this policy for our new younger members.

  4. Suppose they get freeshot again, then they may be dead. Anyways if an admin is in the server and he/she sees terrorists spamming chat saying I was freeshot, the admin should set all terrorists health to 100. Simple as that :)


    admins dont have the power to set health to 100

  5. .............................................................................................................................................................................. that is all i have to say about that

  6. snoopy add me on steam, if you ever need an admin to come into surf ill gladly come help you, anyone who ever needs anything add me on steam i will help you as best as i can, sometimes im busy, like every other person in the whole world, :)

  7. Just peaking in here to say that every time we attempt to do our jobs we get bitched at or a complaint put on us. Kids just don't understand that we do things for a reason and not just to piss them off.



    that is so true, when people get ct banned for frequent freekilling they put up a report on admins for admin abuse even people who are not in the clan, they always cry and complain about how " mean " we are, they need to read the entire motd and realize we are just doing our jobs.

  8. yeah the skin is autopicked for them dexter, it makes it so much harder to pick out whos who, but now with the red rebel plugin iits a lot easier :D

  9. my vote is no because this is a pc game clan, i have a ps3 and i never ever play it, i dont think barely any of us still do play console regularly enough to make a console division.

  10. and relic i dont have you on steam, you didn't message me. i was in surf and people were spawn killing and camping when you were in there, i told them to stop or i would kick them and if they came back and kept doing it i would ban them for the day.

  11. i'm also always almost on steam so any freekilling or anything going on, dont be afraid to hit me up on steam to get things straightened out.