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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Takibo

  1. Takibo

    Weird Habits.

    i usually play css sitting on top of my left leg ><
  2. Takibo

    Lets make a story!

    i just like bugging you <3333333
  3. Takibo

    Lets make a story!

    I forgot my cond.... i mean lollipop wrapper! then he comes back sticks it in the ass and says
  4. Takibo

    Lets make a story!

    i dont give a fuck, stuff my ass with spicy dildos and your thick fake lolipop that you so call candy in your van
  5. Takibo

    Lets make a story!

    eat my dick, i am a faggot, and i want tarin to rimjob me and stuff my ass with spicy dildos
  6. Takibo

    Lets make a story!

    so takibo whipped out his dick
  7. ive played on xg before 95% of the members in here, i just never really was constantly on there and wasnt on xg. (check my forum acc, was created in march 2011, and i used to play there long before i registered so :P) i am actually surprised o.o
  8. they made it like cod jumping, no consecutive jumping, he gets exhausted and stops jumping
  9. Takibo

    Lets make a story!

    One time at band camp tarin saw duckiijr
  11. cause its cold. Why do i get morning woods
  12. lol ure so fucked haha
  13. i wonder what happens if you get stuck with weed brownies LOL
  14. Its a Zombie Apocalypse, Last person you texted or IMd is the person you survive with, the last weapon you used in a video game is your weapon choice, and you have a lifetime supply of the last thing you ate. How FUCKED are you? I am surviving with my girlfriend, my gun is an ak47, and my lifetime supply is yellow rice with chicken @_@
  15. Takibo

    Random Gaming Facts

    yeah i know, shizzle sux
  16. Takibo

    Random Gaming Facts

    its nice when people open up admitting that ive hacked in some way, i just hope none of you hack at this very moment lol. Like i said, do not download hacks guys its a fucking addiction
  17. no specific order, even though some of these dont think the same of me i think this of them Trifdign BillyMays Kenny Bigga Chrono Foxxy Duke Herpes Aegean Lil Crazy Silence
  18. Takibo

    Random Gaming Facts

    More random facts from me. 1. WoW is the game that i've had the most fun on,i dont like cataclysm however. 2. I did indeed hack my first 2 years of playing css =ooooo. To this day i still get accused by my close friends that used to know i hacked. 3. I've gone to lanhouses hundreds of times back when i lived in brazil for cs 1.3, but i was so young i had no clue what i was doing 4. I was within the top 100 high ranked players on gunbound back in the day. Until i got some hacks for gunbound (i was 12..) and got myself banned. 5. I have a huge tip for all of you, DO NOT, ever hack. once you start. its an addiction, VERY HARD to stop, What allowed me to stop hacking, was that i went in vacation to brazil for a month, and i watched youtube video of pro legit players at the time, so when i got back i wasnt feeling the need to hack anymore, so i quit. (QUIT ON EXACTLY AUGUST 20TH, 2010)
  19. I saw this in a random forum and it had like 1.5k posts holy lmao. Anyway post a couple gaming facts in here, up to 5. No matter if its the first game youve ever played, how you started playing css, anything! ill start. 1. I've been playing CSS for 4 years 2. Doom 1 was the first game ive ever played. 3. I've played tons of games besides css. TF2, SC2, WoW, Gunz, Gunbound, HL2DM (all of those for over 6 months) 4. I currently play about 5 Games often. 5. Half-life series is by far my favorite game ever. ever. ever. ever.
  20. Takibo

    I'll start!

    i think theres someone peeping on us on the window. oh wait thats tarin
  21. i'm a fan of both movies, even if you arent a fan, you gotta admit, you wish you saw yoda fighting balrog lmfao [ATTACH]1733.vB[/ATTACH]
  22. haha sick, yo imma add you on steam, i wanna get a tatoo soon, wouldnt mind an artists opinion hahaha