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Everything posted by Chaz

  1. Chaz

    My Pc

    Thew the phone jack.
  2. Chaz

    My Pc

    My pc got hit by lightning. I bought a new one and it has 1 Tb of hardrive amd 4 gb ram.
  3. Get it on video or some form of evidense of him do it, then I bet someone wit take action.
  4. I know I was not following rules and I apoligize for my actions. I have read the rules over and I will following them. I am sincerely sorry for my actions.
  5. I am in xG and i was accepted by Duckii.
  6. I vouche for Lil. He is awesome and so +1.
  7. Chaz

    Why are ppl leaving

    What was that sir?
  8. Chaz

    Why are ppl leaving

    I have noticed a rising number of members leaving. One even sayyed he was just tire of it all,and another says "That xG is a {JOKE}!!". I love this clan, why would other ppl stop loving it.
  9. Chaz


    k man sound great
  10. Chaz


    Does anyone have Mw2 besides me and flux? If so can you some tell me so we can play.
  11. Chaz


    when i try to connect
  12. Chaz


    mumble will not open for me. it says connection refused. any help?
  13. the quility yes, but the music is sick awesome
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d0QND_24DE
  15. Chaz

    No hamachi

    Is there a way to not use hamachi on Terraria. If so can you please tell me or give me the ip to a server you may have straight throught Terraria.
  16. Chaz

    Im grounded

    THANKS but it was because i had a f in social studies because im not turning in homework but i just broght it up to a C
  17. Chaz

    Im grounded

    I cant get on the computer.
  18. Chaz

    Zombies on Xeno!!!!

  19. Chaz


    ok i will try
  20. Chaz

    Hats plz

    I am poor i like on a farm and i have no money i really want hats. Can someone plz buy them for me or donate money to me so i can get hats. Plz.
  21. Chaz


    lolz thanks man
  22. Chaz


    ALLAHA ARKFAD!!! translation " God is Great"
  23. Chaz


    I have seen xxTuckerxx free shot he has even free shot me can you help? ~Tom Hanks Loves me (Lt. Chaz)
  24. Chaz

    spoon murder?

    If you watch spoon vs. spoon "the sequal" you can see why. watch it.
  25. Chaz

    spoon murder?

    What the fuck man its funny and creepy!!!