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Everything posted by Zoidberg

  1. Sorry to disappoint y'all, but some technical complications have arisen in my computer, so my arrival will be postponed for a few days
  2. Thanks alot erryone! xD And one more question, what did you replace Mumble with again?
  3. Woo! Im back on PC, if anyone remembers who i am. Although, i wont have a mic again until tomarrow. Anyway, you guys still have that minecraft server....right?
  4. HAHAHA! Wow, i thought you were serious for a second until i read the last line...
  5. Zoidberg

    Friends <3

    Cool story bro? On a side note I only have like 30 x(
  6. Zoidberg

    is it true?

    HAHAHA! Wow, i find that hard to beleive xD
  7. Zoidberg


    Yeah that makes no ******* sense, you perma-banned him from minecraft because he accidently typed(not even said) something to you on the forums. Thats just stupid and makes no sense. He should be unbanned from minecraft and you should be banned for Admin abuse Sam.
  8. Yeah, he should be unbanned. That's unfair and he shouldntve been banned in the first place.
  9. Yeah, I don't personally see a problem with that if the Ts enjoyed it. Also, do you really want to be stuck playing Simon Says and First/Last reaction for every round? Of douse you dont. It gets really repetitive and boring. The reason why people stay on JB is because of diversity. I also don't think that they deserve a permaban for this.
  10. If this really is what happened then you should be unbanned. Although, this seems very sketchy so I don't think it's true.
  11. Zoidberg

    A word from shikaku

    Don't even joke about that **** hahaha.
  12. Zoidberg

    A word from shikaku

    Oh god....I've just been mind raped. I'm going to have nightmares about her from now on.
  13. Same, screw TV. But In all honesty I ued to love Manswers and 1000 ways to die. Spike is just great, end of story.
  14. Yep, this is clearly spam....bring in the BAN-HAMMER! MUHAHAHA! Loljk
  15. I witnessed this guy hardcore trolling to. He's quite a ****ing queer.
  16. Zoidberg


    Ok, not trying to troll. Its just a suggestion.
  17. Zoidberg


    I know I'm not a Admin or anything, but I would suggest that you shouldn't post any 1 sentence threads, because they really have to meaning to them. Maybe if you backed up your info or suggestion a little better this could be a thread, but this looks more Like a PM to me. Also, it would be better if you actully put some effort into the sentence. "Maybe having 2 people !Lr-ing simultaneously would be a good idea." All I'm trying to say is don't post 1 sentence threads filled with Grammer Errors. Put some backup info behind your suggestion and then, who knows, someone may consider it.
  18. Band: Rage Against The Machine/Aerosmith/Motley Cr?e. Songs: Bulls on Parade/Killing in The Name Of/ Love in An Elevator/ Same Ol Song and Dance/ Basically every Motley Cr?e Song there is. And BTW, I absolutely hate rap. It is the worst music ever made and the rappers might as well be called poets. The music takes no skill at all. All they do is rhyme while using a rhyme dictionary, auto tune, and have someone but a beat over thier song. That's it.
  19. Zoidberg


    Yeah, id really like to see this happen(i would help if i knew how to).
  20. Yeah....about that......HELL NO!
  21. If I were you, I wouldn't post a thread like this.....(Silence will kill you in the face!)
  22. Zoidberg

    Map making

    I'm interested in learning how.....
  23. Yeah, it always happens when the Admins arent there.
  24. Unless rules can kill someone then they were typing in !bomb 1, because i have seen it before.