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Posts posted by nebulous

  1. i know what your going through dude it happens to me all the time. also you cant shoot the people mic spamming usually because the ones doing it are smart enough to stack on other t's so you cant shoot them.

  2. mini wardens are usually just there becuase they want to kill people and get away with it. pets on the other hand is unfair to the other t's because they are guarented a chance at lr witch means they dont have to do anything for the round wich defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place. also if you are a pet could you rebel?

  3. Your in-game name: neb

    Your real name: Tyler

    Age: 15 im a mature 15 though not one of the ones who are annoying or have a squeaky voice

    How long have you been playing CSS: a couple of months

    Your favorite game: gmod,halo reach,call of duty black ops , CSS

    Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: well i play alot of jail break and i am not a jerk unless they are being a derp.