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Posts posted by Foxxy

  1. The game is about who is better at doing what faster then the other player example: Last hitting creeps more then the opposing players, so x agility hero 80 creep kills, as to y agility hero 20 creep kills, Neither having any hero kills, The x hero will have better items, due to the gold bonus. So it's all about knowing how to farm, gank, and push, You just need to do it better then the other player, and faster. So depending on your skill level yes in a way, and no.

    Hard thing to explain.


    No that actually made sense, I'm a bit curious to try the game out now!

  2. I'm an optimistic person, I don't really imagine things like this... But if the world was to end, I'd say it'd be our own doing. Whether by nuclear fallout, war or just poor environment treatment.

  3. Save yourself up to 700, then build yourself a decent computer like I said Micro. Trust me your hard work will pay off, a cheap, good computer is very satisfying to use.