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Posts posted by Mykhol

  1. yes, I am leaving the clan, let me explain why in point form.


    Why I am leaving:

    - Bored of having no events etc.

    -Not much goin' on ya know?

    -Getting tired of DDoS attacks and constant lag.

    EDIT: - Admins abuse, they make the entire lobby do "!guns" 3 days in a row.


    Not Why I'm leaving

    -I'm not mad at any player, admin, etc.

    -I'm not mad at Silence, Aegean, Doublebuttass, or anyone else.

    -I don't hate the clan or anyone in it, I will still play JB because I love you



    Mad, Toilet, Vero jr, Vero, Goon, Aegean, Herpes, Mr duck, serb, Nivek, Xavien, Superfreak, squid, Omega, shikaku, Purple, Movi, Mcgank, Duckii, Djchosen, Vorchan (Batman, jack), Tezz, Soiran, Roxxor, Quar, Phailyur, Peechis, Papi, Microsoft, High plains, Ero, Destroyers (all of em), Billy, Russian, Null, King J, Selby, Korean, Vialty, MajorB, Babe, Bubbles, Billy murray, Meowmix, ,ArthmanDoc, Outlaw, Pyscho, Rosser, Sir tristram, Smokkey, and Large panda, I will miss you all, even the people I didn't mention, I don't hate anyone, I love your fuzzy asses, I just don't want to be in this clans drama any more. I will still play the servers. No, I am not starting my own, Nor am I joining Illumin, I am not saying because Of advertising issues, if you actually want to know, PM me I'll tell you.


    Oh and squiddapult leaves to >_>


    You have no idea how hard this is, I'll miss you, no not you, move, YES, him!


    Silence, This is for you ;)


    I'll miss you sexy.

  2. I've done 25 hours now, I've been on jailbreak the entire time, Man, I get bored, then I start laughing my *** off randomly, then I get something to eat, then I love playing, Then I repeat that cycle.


    ---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------


    11:56 am, I want to sleeeeep, But I gotta set mah record!

  3. xD I was playing JB today at 2:30am and we were doing a what's for dinner day, High plains was asked what seasoning was on his lobster, and he said "my favourite seasoning is um.....Semen." xD the way he said it made everyone literally rofl. xD I wish I recorded it xD

  4. Name: Michael.

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37652204

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    How long you have been in xG: Since 05-08-2011


    Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) :

    Well, I have been admin on 4 minecraft servers, and 2 CSS servers, 1 of the minecraft servers shut down, I was the highest ranked admin beside the owner. The other 3 I quit because of the other admins being corrupt, and the rules being corrupt. The CSS servers eventually shut down after the other admins and I left because of the owner being very immature. I was the highest ranked admin, or second highest ranked admin on all the servers.


    Why do you want to be a co-leader: Because I love this community, I know the rules very well, I'm good friends with almost every member, I know what to do in-case someone breaks the rules enough for a ban, And I always seem to see people breaking the rules specially when an admin/mod/co-owner/Div-leader isn't looking.


    How could you help xG if you were a co-leader:

    I have a lot of events and user friendly idea for the community and as a member I cannot create events that are actually known to the community due to people not checking the lower ranked peoples' posts, as a higher rank, people seem to read posts more. I see people mod-admin+ get a lot more attention then normal members.


    Anything else you want to add: Nope.