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Posts posted by DjChosenWon

  1. As you can see...

    He made that up




    [xG:M] ColourBlaze: I just realized how much of a homosex I am... Will you make sweet love to me Dj? I'll abuse my admin powers on you non-stop if you say no.

    [xG].:DjChosen:.##Drank[R]: Erm...Dude? No?

    [xG:M] ColourBlaze: Kay, Guess I'll just get BANNED then. Thanks!



    So ban him before he does it. KThxBai

  2. Recently, and by that I mean within the day, some things have happened that genuinely irritated people.

    I just have to say, because of your actions, a few things about getting angry.


    It does you NO GOOD, NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZILCH, to swear and "YELL" obscenities when posting in the forum. Stop swearing. No one, and I mean NO ONE, likes reading about how you feel *** by *** because of ***** and *****. It makes you look like an insolent child. Type out a properly-worded and witty response to anything anyone may say, don't just throw insults around because it makes you feel better. THIS WILL MAKE YOU LOOK SMART, trust me. If you can keep your cool during an argument and come back with an INTELLIGENT statement you'll look like what you have to say is important, not just some random quibble.


    Furthermore, the forum is not a place for you to whine. We are not here to pat you on the back and tell you, "it'll all be OK." However, we are here to take care of problems, debate, and improve our community, OH! and post a bunch of random BS about nothing. If you want to whine, DON'T. It's much easier to find a way to make thread about something constructive, rather than make yourself look like a victim.


    Lastly, make any post or forum topic you create worthwhile.


    Keep these words in mind.

    You'll go far kid.



  3. Not voting up or down.

    I just want to say that he could be a fine addition, if he would take time to learn the rules.

    Makes quite a few wrong desicions on CT because of his ignorance.