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Posts posted by SGTBLU

  1. Why would someone, who wants a future of being a Minecraft mod+, want to grief knowing that there is a chance to get permanently banned? I will +1 Not because he is my friend, but younger brothers are dumbasses and if they dislike something they destroy it *~* *Looks at his old headset and begins to cry*. How about we see to it that this doesn't happen again? If it happens again he'll have to use his photo thingy. Anyway this doesn't look like something he would do.

  2. Hey Tarin Remember when that guy (Not Mike) was gunna get banned for a day for calling you a ♥♥♥ like 18837891 times and he wouldn't stop and when I told him he was like "♥♥♥♥ YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I HOPE YOU DIE" He got banned for a week? I pissed myself with laughter :D. <--- Didn't make sense.

  3. SGTBLU: I originally wanted to make the furry hats personal for me, but I knew a lot of people on the server would love to have one as well so it should be a Furry Hat Pack, but yeah I would agree cause if one person got their own hat, everyone else will

    I would like that AND A MY LITTLE PONY HAT PAK :D:D:D:D:D



    SGTBLU <--- Watched his first episode last night (I THINK IT HAS SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING D: Y IS IT SO GOOD? WHY CAN'T I STOP?)

  4. -1 If Kermit wants a personal hat, It will be a crisis. If one person gets a custom hat EVERYONE will want a custom hat. Hell even I want one (A big GREEN army hat wit he Sergeant Insignia on the front) <--- then ill change colur to BLU LOLOLOLOLOL.


    Well anyway this is a bad idea, and that it would be very annoying for silence.


    ---------- Post added at 04:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 AM ----------


    i want a giant penis that i can wear on jailbreak


    Lol that can get... hectic VERY VERY fast (Cell rape freedays)

  5. I was there at the time lissa and unique were "talking <3<3<3<3 about sgtblu" and I will explain the story. Sound fair?


    Sgtblue comes out of hiding and continues on with "♥♥♥♥ you i've got proof now blah blah blah cya" and leaves.



    WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥!? I never said THAT! I said well if I can get banned for saying I ---->THINK<---- Your an actor (Like vero who broke my heart *Sad face*)

    And then you told me I was going to be demoted for member disrespect, I reply " How is that member disrespect?" And you say " Because you hurt my feelings"


    You know what this is pointless Im weak I'm in pain and this is stressful Goodbye.


    P.S. To Duckii Im pissed because although some things being said are true. Plus to Otherworldly She was going the same with Fraps.



    Im not posting anymore on any of the subject involving Lissa and/or Unique I'm just digging a big grave.

  6. Im not Plus or minusing anyone, but SGTBLU I don't hate you, but I've been hearing loads of ♥♥♥♥ about you....like bragging about getting mod, and all that stuff, but I've never seen it, so umm yeah.... might wanna stop ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ people off before you end up like johnnymcg....


    1st never bragged about mod I don't know who told you but he/she probably has something against me. And 2nd I don't troll, If I do whoever I'm trolling has trolled me first. And I know I have people saying loads of ♥♥♥♥ about me behind my back, I caught Lissa and Unique talking ♥♥♥♥ about me. Hell I even haz screen shots.

  7. Wow is sarcasm not aloud?

    Plus you could hear the sarcasm in my voice.


    Oh and you called me ♥♥♥♥tard or something like 10 times.


    ---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------


    +1 to get rid of SGTBLU. He is constantly a ♥♥♥♥, he's a complete troll and he also just tried blackmailing me.


    When have I ever black mailed you? I took a pic of u telling me I was gunna get banned for you freekilling a "Friend" BUT coincidentally my network was ddos. So yea.

  8. Im the mod who is populating surf more often. Allot of spawn killing and hacking is going on there. The only issue is that when i'm notified that a hacker is on the server, that all the xG members yell "OH SGTBLU IS COMING UR GUNNA GET BANNED ♥♥♥♥♥!" Then he turns off his hax.

    So just letting u guys know

    dont tell an aimbotter/wallhacker to stop.