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Posts posted by SGTBLU

  1. papapapapprooooofesser????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? IF ADD kids went to a ADD camp, would it be a concentration camp? And if you watch Toy Story 3 in spanish will buzz speak english?Q???Q?Q?Q?Q?Q???Q?Q?Q??Q??Q?Q?!?Q??!?Q?!??Q?Q?!?!??!?Q??QQ?!?Q?!?Q??!?!?Q??!?Q?Q??!?!??Q?? NEETO THANKS BYE


    ---------- Post added at 12:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 PM ----------


    [/color]ALSO, I dunno if this was asked or not.. But you must add tarps... :I Making people stand in places, press buttons, lul die.



    Hmmmm since it is called "cLub bLu" (In reference to me ^_^ thank u fullbring) I think it would make more sennncs (wa how u spellthat pff idont no) if it was military related, like random guns (un usable of coarse).... but Furries are nice too.



    But its all up to Fullbring ^_^

  3. looks freakin sick :D can't wait for it

    can you make a dubstep room? with flashing lights and music playing? :3


    I think its just disco LOL or shall I say "cLub bLu" AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!


    ---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------


    Since the club is called "cLub bLu" this should be added just for the fun of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ugkg9RePc


    Your argument is invalid.

  4. But notice, more and more games are becoming less compatible with external components. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive looks built to be a default game, with default maps. Basically no external maps/plugins, because it would be difficult for the cross platform (PS3/MAC/PC) to you know.... play together because PS3 cannot download external plugins, for the rink of a virus.



    So I'm thinking you will not be getting plugins EVER...

  5. Thank you guys for mentioning something that we already posted :D


    Anyways, 0 for now, but I do vouch that if he does get into XG, I propose to never get mod again, not after what happened lol


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So basically 0 and what Pyro said :3

  6. A cool cell theme would be the insane cell: A cell with pillowed floor, walls, and ceiling decorated with blood and dead bodies (Preferably the ones from HL2 that u find in the sewers, to give the image they have been eaten!) It would be cool if a cell was broken while inside of that cell it would set of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAqnrpDwaCM and maybe some automated (computer or w/e) voice says "Psycho Prisoner is escaping, all armed personnel, find, capture, and retrieve the escapee"

    But in return for the alarm, the cell will have a great gun or something

    Well I just think it would be awesome, but Fullbring you're the one playing god right now ^_^

  7. Ok, so I was just thinking of a few songs that u could put in the disco (HOPEFULLY "cLub bLu" [LOL and put sumwer hidden "Blu DJ is best DJ" IM SO SELF CENTERED!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL]) So here we go, just think over them.

    (FYI im randomly picking these LOL)


    DeadMau5 - Professional Griefers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mydCqpYTk_I


    Showtek - We Speak Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkHbTBs-PaM


    Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand HQ[/media]



    Oh and you should make a SECRET button somewhere in the map (That u will tell me OF COURSE) where there will be a button and that when you press it you get a awp and it plays this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8yx4k4tzqE



    Just some Ideas think'em over

  8. Really nice Slippery, If only I had a good editing software, I would LOVE to learn from u :(. I do make montages, music videos and stuff, but its with the iMovie that came with my computer, and my capture card on my PS3. PLEASE ACCEPT ME... MASTER!

  9. Heyyayayayay If you play on console, put up your PSN ID/Gamertag below, so that we can all add each other and actlike those cod fags that invade a server all wearing the same coulurful tag and yelling shit. So post em beloww and happy gaming LOL BYE