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Posts posted by BrianG

  1. So I was banned for 12 hours for pvp logging, not gonna bother appealing because the server gets worse by the day, gotta look for a new one anyways. But I crashed, didn't PVP log, I keep 2 minecraft windows open because I was on another server before and opened a new window without realizing I had one open. Then Nighty bans me with 0 proof besides me saying I crashed. With the PVP log plugin it can track if it was a real crash (wouldn't kill you) or a disconnect (you die).

    Thanks for reading




    Off Topic: When is factions coming up want some kids who don't call bullshit over every PVP kill.

  2. plenty people have Diamonds armor. Also, If no proof is given that he was indeed hacking during the fight (admin also abused in this) He will get unbanned. you get 1 more post to PROVE he is wrong.

    Thanks man, currently I am contacting the Nodus creator for him to help me prove I was not in the Nodus IRC at all. Hopefully he will respond soon.

  3. I had diamond armor, from someone I killed

    Please learn to read, also do you have ANY proof I was in the Nodus IRC, because 1. I was not, and 2. I have seen videos with Nodus and to know someone is in the IRC you must be in it aswell, which means you were using Nodus, or just flat out lying. Also RDM does not mean an admin teleporting him and his friends to you and them attacking. You were not there so you didn't know what went on. I really would like to see what Deo would have to say about all his abuse, and to whomever had the console information it would be really nice if you posted the logs on him slaying my for no reason along with him teleporting his friends.

  4. Hi, as you may know the Minecraft server has recently started up, and has been going fairly well if I had to say so myself. I had diamond armor, from someone I killed and branch mining, and I also had very good enchants from a mob trap I spent multiple hours on. So Minecrack and I were doing a trade, 5 diamonds for a brewing stand. He told me to tpa to him so I did, and he took my diamonds, teleported away and said #theif. I really didn't care about the diamonds so I said ok? lol. Then I was trying to trade with someone else when Minecrack starts spamming me, telling me I am a "skid" using Nodus and I am xraying and hacking. He pretty much got his friends on board with this game and then Deodate teleported me, and I killed him, then he came back teleporting about 6 of his friends (all with no weapons) and I killed them all. Then I was /slain for no reason and lost my enchanted sword and pickaxe. Minecraft then said I was in the Nodus IRC, which is a complete lie? Lol. And then I was banned. I did nothing wrong and was having a very fun time on the server helping a few friends who I meet. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully everything will be worked out.

  5. Very poor grammar in the thread, wrong Steam-ID, you are applying for xG member, not admin, and you asked about 6 times for people to Plus 1 you in the xG RPG Surf server.

    Not necessarily going to -1 you at this time, just putting these facts out there.


    Oh, and being a good long jumper isn't much of a helpful skill, lol.

  6. Silence did look at it lol. He responded to your thread. I would've been set back if he could've done something, many others would have been set back. But it can't be fixed. So don't give me a bitchy attitude towards something that cannot be helped. I don't get why you don't understand that.

    Don't give me a stupid response that says nothing? There is something he can do, weather he is too lazy to do it or not seems to be the question.

  7. ...people have been reset before like this, I told you already. It has happened to me. A division leader in xG. There's Nothing you can do except work your way back up again. It's really not our fault. Glitches happen in video games.

    You spent about 80 hours on RPG surf, as of right now, this is not taking into effect how long ago you were reset, and how many hours you spent since. After you spend 130 hours on it, finally make it to the top 20, and get reset. You can make an accurate response to my thread, and would understand my anger. Now instead of saying "you're fucked" you can easily ask Silence to look at it, and it would take about 30 seconds to a minute to change a number in his database.

  8. Hi everyone, I was wondering why I was reset in the RPG surf server, I was one of the top levels, I think 16ish, I know under 20. The reset occurred during the DDOSing, and I assumed it was a database glitch that would be reset. But now I realize it was only myself and a few others who were reset. I was wondering if this can be reversed or if we just have to start over. Thanks for anyone whom may help me.

    And on a side note, is the RPG DM server gone?

  9. You guys really know 0 about DDOSing, lol. You can't just stop it, it can cost hundreds/thousands of dollars a month to be fully immune, and then your still not fully. .gov sites have been DDOSed before and I bet they had great protection. Even if you were able to backtrace the IP, you would get a proxy IP and have to test it for open ports in order to attempt at getting the real IP. And even if you did that, the authorities aren't going to respond quickly, and its a fine to them which goes to the government, not the victim. And lets say after that you wan't to sure them, it would be more money to fly, get a hotel, and a lawyer then to just deal with the loss.