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Posts posted by kbshooter2

  1. Member Name: kbshooter2


    In-Game Name: kbshooter


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:384020


    Age: 16


    Donated: Yes


    Other information: love to have fun and i would help people that need help

    just want to have fun

  2. +1 He always calls warden and passes it on with no orders just to troll the person he passes onto. He most definitely doesn't know the rules, he freekills all the time.

    That's when most people leave to

  3. ^This^ -1 You are not mature. Jeybreeze covered most of what I was getting at.


    Really ur going to say I'm not mature


    ---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------


    Well I can care less if I get it because it's just a game. (:

  4. Woah sir, let's see here, you just came back and you're already asking for mod? Remember everyone didn't like you as mod mainly because you did what the pubs told you what to do instead of using some common sense and thinking for yourself?


    Anyway, you do have 100 posts, that's a start, now you have to be in for at least 2 months considering you left and it looks like you haven't reapplied so you should have done that first. On another note, I'm pretty sure you are not 18.


    I never left

  5. Member Name: kbshooter2


    In-Game Name: kbshooter


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38402028


    Age: 18


    Donated: Yes


    Other information: i love play to talk and play around with people and i want to help all the people that need it i just one of those people that want to help. :)