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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Sad to hear =\ I honestly wanted you to have mod and did consider you for mod powers next promo/demo. It's your choice dude, hope you come back and you're more then welcome to play on the servers

  2. Agreeing with Heisenberg 100% and I'm going to be honest


    I don't want XG to be hated by many people. I joined this gaming clan to make new friends and play videos games, not to make enemies of friends. I also don't want to be like HG were we ban people because they don't like a certain person or clan.


    Also if I find out if anyone is harassing Dev people for leaving xG, shit will hit the fan.

  3. +1 i guess cause now he's been a member for 2 months


    Wrong sir, he was accepted into XG on March 20, so techicnally he's been a xG member for a month and 4 days. He's been a member of the fourms for 2 months. There's a difference.


    Anyways just wait till May 20 so you can apply, sorry buddy.



  4. Tsk tsk tsk, I was going to deny this protest anyways because 1. No proof of him being a "bad ct" Agreeing with Shiro, and this goes for anyone, if you guys honestly judge someone of how they play instead of how they are towards other members/players, you're just completely stupid. 2. I felt like this protest was made out of rage over something little.


    Also Stego, if you really did get people to gang up on one person, that is just unacceptable to me, and plus this doesn't look good if you want mod that bad =\ I'm really disappointed.


    Member protest denied and requested to be closed, soooooo closing this