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Posts posted by Buckethead

  1. I do like that every album they try not to be mainstream, Their first album was pretty unique, then on Plagues they changed a bit, things got a bit heavier on Roots, and then Zombies EP was just Zombie killing crazy heavy music, but now Dead Throne is a mix of some Roots styled songs, really heavy songs that sound like the music from Call Of Duty Zombies and some really different stuff. I like all of it, since I'm a huge metal fan and like lots of different styles of metal.

  2. Here's some screenshots of what it looks like right now. It's not done yet, since I still have dirt for letters!








    As you can see, I've only started putting in the wool in the letters. I've got a lot of sheep sheering, flower picking, and other crafting ventures ahead of me to finish the letters in colored wool.








  3. Hudson, I'll try and change it. That sounds a lot better,but hell I'll have to do a lot more digging and replacing of blocks because of the size of the room. I guess it would look better and I could say I spent more time on it. I plan to record it and use that special F-key that makes all of your mouse movements smooth and look all cinematic. I'll probably put some ambient Minecraft music in the background. I saw one dude propose to his girlfriend with a Minecraft creation in a secret area on his server and the first thing his girlfriend said was "You're such a nerd!" and then said yes.

  4. Just because you don't like a band doesn't mean they suck. Don't be a about your opinions. I like many typed of music and am tolerant of rap and country, but I really don't like it when people hate on music like you. Not cool, bro.

  5. I made a giant room over 18x30x10 blocks in volume with stairs leading to the bottom and on the wall in blocks it says "Will you go out with me?". Right now the whole wall is in cobblestone and covered in torches between each word. The letters are made of dirt, but I hope to fill them in with multiple colors of wool. Yeah, I know, I'm a nerd. If this works, I will be the happiest man in all of Minecraft. I'll have screenshots soon.

  6. The 4th studio album by The Devil Wears Prada album comes out on the 13th, but apparently it was shipped to the pre-orderers early. Got mine today including my shirt. This is an amazing album. Music-gasm.

  7. Today, on the JB server map Avalanche, I blew up a bunch of people with a CT bomb. I was unaware that the CT bombs could actually kill Ts when detonated. The last time that I used a CT bomb was on the Lego JB map. When I detonated the bomb, no Ts were harmed, and it was equivilant to me typing !guns (I blew up and nobody but myself was harmed). I would like to apologize for the mass freekill that I had caused and accept my CT ban.

  8. Had an awesome time in Florida! Saw a **** ton of jellyfish, lots of hermit crabs, a blue crab, and my sister got about 10 feet away from a dolphin!

    I also left a few of my own markings at Fudpuckers. I got home and tried to see how good I was at Xbox and found that vacation and Counter Strike really screw with your console abilities XD

  9. I honestly felt in my opinion, that a new music weren't required. No offense to you. Neither did I know you before nor after you joined xG. The reason I gave you a -1 is because I didn't see you too much in-game. It's very often that people do that, and seriously, I didn't mean to offend you. I just mean that you could've played a bit more before joining the clan, that's all.


    Ok. Thank you for clearing that up.

  10. Maybe if you were a nicer person, people wouldn't hate on you so much. Since I joined the forums, you've been posting on my threads hating on me for no reason. I don't even know you! ex. When I posted a member submission, you gave me a -1 for no reason, when I suggested new music for the JB maps. What's your problem? Out of all of the servers and people I've played with, you are the most rage-filled person that I have ever met. JUST CHILL FFS!

  11. For the next (about) 10 days, I'll be on vacation in Destin, Florida. This means that I'll be gone from the JB servers :( I'll probably take my laptop with me and try to work on the JB map that I've been working on, so you can message me on steam and voice chat or Skype me. I have Minecraft on my laptop too, so I might be on that.

  12. I was thinking that it would be cool if Guile's theme played when Last CT is activated instead of the music we have currently. Guile's theme goes with everything and it's a truly inspirational song. Imagine you're in an ally getting mugged and as you lie on the ground watching as the muggers walk away, you get up, wipe the blood of your face, and Guile's theme starts to play out of nowhere. You would be instantly inspired to kick some arse Duke Nukem style.

  13. Something happened and everyone is showing up as "No Profile ID assigned"

    If you want your steam name to show up in the forum like mine does over there >


    Go to: Settings (top right of screen) > Steam Account Link (left side) > Then link your Steam account




    Also, my new signature is BA ;)