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Posts posted by Nighty

  1. Member Name: Nighty


    Abusing Admin: Rabid


    Your In-Game Name: Nighty


    Abuse Description: He banned me from Teamspeak becaus i kicked him for saying " U arabic ♥♥♥♥ " And when i got back he banned me for 1 min then i got back i said i am gonna ban u if you keep then HE BANNED ME AGAIN!


    Reason: I kicked him for Saying U arabic ♥♥♥♥ To me

    Then i got banned twice


    Player Effect: Nope not really.


    Proof: aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2011_11_107.thumb.png.489601e995521e67e5313a8d4937b9dc.png
