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Everything posted by TheAvenger

  1. congratZ on the promotion :D
  2. Congrats on the promotion :)
  3. Hey silence please see about the gmod server,I would be mod on it i have experence
  4. Ok i will ask silence if i cna have mod on it if it goes up
  5. Well its like jail break but u don't know who is the Tratior i would be happy to be admin on it, i am a really good admin for ttt.
  6. We Should start a ttt gmod server *whispers* I would Like to be mod on it i would watch it i play both alot and i am a good mod and admin for ttt i am fair and all and never freekill
  7. TheAvenger


    Cya Major i will miss u :D
  8. 1- I agree I am Shur he Mass rdmed one time for being picked on
  9. Ross 12 is not a steam id use this for example STEAM 0:0:000000
  10. Member Name: TheAvenger In-Game Name: [sS:Owner]TheAvenger Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37822041 Age: 15 Game Time: 131 Helpful Skills: I love To stop rdm And hate trolls