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Posts posted by Jihad

  1. Im leaving xG as of today for personal reasons if you care to know ask me Via Teamspeak. It was fun xG and im going to miss you guys but i will be around in teamspeak etc.... Keep on going strong and dont be noobs!

  2. OH GOD DUKE LEFT!... wait! LETS PARTY! PROMOS FOR EVERYONE, but in all seriousness its good that you see we all put in work and yet The same gameplay does get really boring after a very long time, and the generation of players it does change xD.

  3. Actually i think i've saved your ass more then you can count chrono :P...well you are math smart but still more then you can count. Your welcome mother fuckers and Warrior i would watch what you say..



    Really jihad? Didn't know that


    That chart doesn't prove anything the fact im looking at a bunch of canadian cow's out in a field sweating and breathing heavly. Im pretty sure about 15% of that is from canadians coming to america! GG America STILL WINS.

  5. I heard they're having stairs removed all throughout america. They're putting those seats where it automatically moves you to where you're trying to go. They're set on tracks. Now, since Americans have such fat, stubby fingers, this would be a problem with trying to type where you wanna go. e.g. for bathroom. They'd type "VBVATYIOHROLOON". Then they'd be taken to fucking india. So, my point is, even if the Americans can't climb stairs, & try to invent some weird machine to fix that problem, there fat asses would fuck it up somehow.


    The End.

    The Ironic part about that here is the canadian people are the fat ones :p man you guys are just digging yourself fat selfs into a deeper hole which you can never climb out of. Good news about today is the weather feels nice! and the canadians are loving the AMERICAN BBQ because were cooking today! I feel like im in a mini vacation honestly but lots of hard ass labor.



  6. Wow, in one short sentence in trying to insult Canada's intelligence, you made 2 errors. 1. Your is possessive. The your you want to use is you're. 2. Dumbass's isn't the word you want to use either since you're saying dumbass's as if you're talking about something that belongs to the said dumbass. Anyways this was fun, thanks for making my day with this embarressment. Take care and don't get into any fights with moose!

    Your typing just made me stupider.. damn idiot Canadians! First you try to go into the oil field without any fucks given. Now your trying to school a american who actually is in the oil field with alot of fucks given. Your argument sir is invalid. Grammar doesn't exist when it comes to allah! BITCH!


    #PwnedCanada AGAIN

  7. Day 1: I have landed.. they have good breakfest foods but the people here are really ugly..none of them lift and their women have no tits.. they have yet to suspect me as a spy of the US.The Canadians honestly at the work site are very lazy. They need to get off there ass's and do work. No wonder they need help. Ill keep everyone updated on my horrifying adventure..

  8. So as the title says.. im going to Canada.. Kingston! for 2 weeks. Ill be back on the 28th of october :D. I can still use forums and im going to be using a lap top.. Ironically in my case its a co-workers and he has alot of blizzard games on it so im mainly going to be playing those only and ill try to install steam as well. So see everyone in 2 weeks! im leaving today.. 10/19/2012 btw!

    Also i will try to install some steam games but i cant install teamspeak.. ill probaly play some dota in my free time or something i dunno yet haven't gotten there yet but going on plane tonight..

  9. you dont even know texas.. Im voting for the fact of texas and obama is trying to take even MORE of my money, and serb make sure to know your shit before you talk about texas. We deal with oil, and alot of the big business from Cali are moving to texas because we have a better economy :P so thats another thing. We also have cattle.. i know sterotype but still happenes and agriculture.

  10. aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2012_09_31.png.cf6fc67cad00984ffad879756430cf01.png




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    -Blows up this thread with a plane. FOR ALLAH
