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Posts posted by TheAlpha31

  1. -1


    I was there as a CT, but was at the back of the line.


    If what you say is true about being in the hidden AWP window, then you WHERE a rebel.


    Just looking at what you have in your screenshots ( 1, 2, 3 ), you should be banned for disrespect. He kicked you once, then you rejoined and kept going (though I admit he didn't give you a warning).


    Sorry. :(

  2. mm, but i pressed E and it brought me to the (i'm assuming shovel, it was a white non-textured stick) and then i pressed it again, and it made it disappear and replaced it with nothing, and then i couldn't get back to any of the items.


    If you have the (white?) shovel out, you should be able to press "E" once to take out the super-duper handheld grass block, allowing you to right click to make more grass blocks... I am able to make it work from my browser, so IDK.


    I plan to change the system to use a 1-9 numpad layout. EX: 1 = Shovel, 2 = Grass, 3 = Stone, 4 = Torch.

  3. but you cant switch items back and forth, also web player version (which i had used so maybe just for web player) is really buggy. your mouse doesn't lock on application, so you can only turn as far as your mouse can travel on your screen. nor can you right click.

    About the items: Q and E keys. Only have 3 items so far. (Shovel, grass, stone). The way it is right now, Q -1s the inventory, while E +1s it. Starts on 2 (grass).

    That is how the tutorial did it, but I am trying to make something better using 1-9


    The web version is pretty bad right now with the right clicking problem bringing up the options, going fullscreen helps.


    Do not yet have a way to lock the mouse, trying to figure it out. :\


    Also adding crosshairs, torches, and making player a bit smaller.

  4. Hey guys,


    Dont know if anybody is interested, but here is a small Minecraft-like game I have been working on for a few hours. It is built with Unity3D.



    http://db.tt/rQTO6wYU (Play in browser, requires Unity plugin)

    http://db.tt/YfRd1LUP (ZIP, execute the .EXE)


    I was following a video series, but went off on my own. :tongue:


    I would appreciate constructive feedback for what I have so far!

  5. I have a few items sitting in my Steam inventory, and was wondering if someone might want to trade? Maybe even for free! Make an offer!


    I have two gifts: "Killing Floor" with Defence Alliance 2... and "Half-Life 2: Episode 2"


    I have two coupons: "75% OFF Portal 2" (expires August 30th)... and "50% OFF Any Saints: Row The Third DLC" (expires September 10th)

  6. Your best bet, if you are playing alone, is to go prone (press "z"), then craw around to the different areas. If you are prone, zombies usually have to be very close to spot you.

  7. Decision: +1


    Why: Follows the MOTD, and calls people out for breaking it. He is my brother. :smile:


    Maturity: 8/10 - Usually only talks when it is needed (ex: Warden).


    Activity: 7/10 - Mainly on JB

  8. Now that I have been in the clan for more then a few months, I am submitting a Moderator submission. :smile:


    Thanks for voting. :wink:


    Edit 8/15/2012: I was not able to play for a few months due to school, but I have been playing pretty much two hours everyday for over the past month. 201 hours played total, with most of it on the JB server.