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  1. In my opinion, people who keep spamming the application process and not waiting for other clan members to get to see you in game should get the drop automatically. There are reasons for why clans require applications. I am going to -1 you cause i would hate seeing application after application by the same bloody person.
  2. There are no riflemen in Team Fortress 2, lmao. But, i love being a soldier because i get to blow up all the engineer's buildings and blast a crit rocket to their face when they try to run carrying they're sentry :D
  3. +1 for this awesome jawesome chill dude!
  4. blueportal


    You can always just say "I play Team Fortress 2" if you don't know an answer the question or if you also don't play either of the listed games :P but i +1 my sexy beast <3
  5. i like the raffle idea.. even though i lost "The Original" like 6 times xD
  6. I am on almost 24/7. Usually the only time i am away from my computer is if i am at work, hanging out with friends or the odd time my parents get me to help them out with whatever they need the help with. I am sure i'll be able to recruit as well, if that's okay with you guys
  7. That's right. If you can get or take a beautiful screen capture while your dead hit that F5 button and upload that beast in this thread.
  8. I always seem to get curious and want to ask what everyones favorite class is.. But where i stump everyone is, can you explain WHY that class is your favorite class? :O
  9. I think as far as the whole map 2fort goes.. I see servers having a FULL server with it being a 24/7 Sniper 2fort
  10. ^ ROFL. I think it'd be pretty cool to even out the respawn times and make it the same on both red and blu.. waiting pretty much 20 seconds to respawn after being killed or committing suicide via switching classes or if we are being pushed by the blu's red has that 20 second wait, where as Blu is only like what? 5 seconds?...
  11. is that a live view of what's going on in the server at this/that very moment? :O stalker much >_>, <_< lmao.