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Posts posted by Akio

  1. I agree with everyone's reasons on both sides, although I think he should be given another chance. This is a big improvement for LQ if he can come on the forums and maturely post an unban request. LQ has been on the servers before most of the mods and is considered a regular. He is also a good warden. Most of the time I actually find his "mic spamming" funny, but it can get annoying when other people start joining in. Everyone does their share of shit talking because it's a game, but he just gets the attention. Honestly, I think he just needs a serious talk about what he can fix. If he gets unbanned this will be his last chance and will need to be closely watched.

  2. -1 Not enough proof. The person he ct banned should be the one posting a thread, not you. This thread is pointless because you are getting mad over him silencing you for a few rounds? Obviously you are just upset that tree muted you because you challenged his decision.

  3. It was late, I'm not gonna lie half the time I was bored, tired, and did abuse partially. But I do remember slaying him for freekilling. I no longer have the patience/motivation to moderate the cs go server. I do remember being one of the first people modding during the night hours/ and received no promotion. Consider this my resignation as mod.