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  1. nmik


    Awesome The FPS is not a scam its based on the better CPU that they will run it on. Whitch changes the reg a ton, it affects how fast the updating takes place and the delays between each one. The reason why reg sucks is companies don't have the speed for it to update fast between each shot making it skip a few (99 one hundered (4th grade toll)) instead of registering all shots that you have taken.
  2. nmik


    I just think it would make more sense if silence were to save some money and lower the pop of servers that dont need tha 64 amount etc... Like if this is a scrim server just keep it cheap 12 slot and if u wanna spend the money then make this one a bosted fps 2000 etc... Make it easy and save money in the long run Thats irrelavent to anything being talked about here.
  3. nmik


    you should lower the scrim server players to 12/12 so the reg is better and theres no dick who will come cus its 24 slots lol it would make more snese to make it 12
  4. nmik


    STEAM ID: 0:1:29354868 ::forgot steam id BTW THAT 1907 hours is just this acc i have like 7 accs '04 like a champ ;p #topswag Thanks babes! #topswag
  5. Dont add maps to a scrim server that nobody has ever played nor are they in ,CAL, CEVO, or ESEA play
  6. nmik


    #topHag <-- winner
  7. nmik


    Back in 05-08 you could make like 3 grand a week not anymore though :(
  8. nmik


    *Correction - I am topswag ;)
  9. Lol... Considering the fact that ESEA is shit no i dont care if it went well or not. Ive played with some of the best players on cs1.6 and css. Ik that esea doesnt help you for shit honestly. Playing smart with tactics will take you somewhere
  10. Sorry to break it to all of you but none of this will honestly help you that much. Esea is a waste of money ur payig to play on a walmart srrver with kids who bait you cus they care so much about the damn score. You dont have to be good to be on a team, the only thig that matters is if u can play smart as a team with 5 and esea only thing that it does is help you recognize maps and spots to plAy in a scrim. The only way to get better is to play like you wanna get better fuck the kids who call you try hards use ur sound and listen play like real life.
  11. nmik

    What up!

    :P Yeup nm just bout to kick it, dis man needs his sleep!
  12. Hey its n^Mik here :P I've been playing the xG servers for about 2-3 weeks now, i enjoy playing with these guys quiet a bit so dropped in to say hi! Mine aswell tell you some shit about me huh? Well ive been coding Java for 4 years now, I bmx, i play hockey, fuck yah gaming ofc... lol I love pissing off cops and them fags :D Welcome to myself !