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Posts posted by Penugar

  1. +1

    From the screenshots Gengar posted and the pic McNeo posted this is clearly disrespect. i believe he should be stripped of is admin powers First of all, why did you resort to calling shadow and Gengar "gangbnging chodes". This is what you do when under pressure and this is how you defend yourself? They were asking simple questions that only needed simple answers. Gengar and Shadow never called you anything, so why you? To be honest i never liked you, never will after this, but with this proof you were disrespecting two mods at once and you gotta face the music , even if this is a "bullshit post"

  2. This is what i got



















  3. Well i know what it is like being yelled at/cussed at by your father. You need not worry, He most likely has anger management issues, like i do. He will not hurt you and you SHOULD NOT hurt yourself either, just know that we as a community are here for you when you need it. The best thing you can do is put up with it, or wait until you are seventeen or eighteen and move out, i am not telling you to move out that is your decision. I know your feel, i really do. Also don't be selfish and waste the life you were given, please don't. I hope I helped you somewhat. This is just a speed bump in the road we call life

  4. I prefer TES, especially the lore behind the series. I have played alot of oblivion and skyrim and also fallout 3 and new Vegas and I mean ALOT: I prefer TES hands down. I honestly hated Fallout New Vegas because once you fight at hoover dam you can't continue your game, furthermore the dev's said they wouldn't release any dlc that extended the main quest, i am not saying it's a bad game I like how you had to choose who to side with. On the other hand i cant wait for the dawn guard dlc to come out, sucks that i have to wait but at least i have mods to keep me busy.

  5. Seems like the proof is against Physics, scamming, and lying most of all. I believe he should be he should be banned so he won't try to scam future players on our tf2 servers. I just have one question "why would he even think about scamming others most of all a seasoned trader such as Ecko himself.

  6. I will +1 him

    Donor has been my friend for not to long, but i have know him since he first got into xG. Always on Saxton Hale server when i am on. Follows the rules, mature also.

    Good luck man, i hope you get mod :3