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Everything posted by OMNOMNOM007

  1. Thank you for reading and please help a brother out.
  2. Hey, I read your reply and I read the MOTD again and was wondering if I am allowe to wear the tag?
  3. I would love to be apart of xG. I have been playin on the server for about a year and a couple months and I absolutely love it. The people are friendly and accepting, the servers are fun, and it's all around a good time. Thanks -James Bond
  4. OMNOMNOM007


    On jailbreak Shiro asks me why I kill any T, whether it is accidental free kill or a kill on a war day, he always asks me. He honestly is getting me to my last nanometer of my fuse.
  5. OMNOMNOM007


    I was on the ct team in jail break and Mullen was told to drop a gun. So he dropped it. Then he picked it back up and started to run so I killed him. Then he freeslayed me and about 1 minute later he freekicked me. Please do something about this. I am a respectful player and do not want any trouble. Thank you, In game name: James Bond
  6. If you would please ct ban him because he won't even slay himself for free kill. Thank you.
  7. Hello I have been playing on xG for a while now and I would love to be a part of the community.