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Posts posted by RedstoneOre

  1. So I made a game in Unity; the idea is basically to collect all 10 ammo packs/crates before the zombies get to you. If they touch you once you're dead, not about-to-be-dead, dead. Past tense.


    It's a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery early build, the zombies aren't even animated properly (T pose), but I'd appreciate at the very least some kind of feedback. Unity is still a relatively new thing to me, but I enjoyed every bit of the 4 hours (give or take an extra half hour) that it took to make this, enjoy! :)



  2. Decision: -1

    You're just not ready for it man; you come on the server and troll, throw abuse at other players etc. Your accent thing was funny at first; but it got boring quick and now you're more of an annoyance as opposed to a comedian.

    Activity: 9/10

    Maturity: 3/10

  3. I know exactly where you're coming from man; but instead of balling each other out we should just calm down; find out what's going on PROPERLY, and if everyone who wants to donated even a dollar each; it'd cover the costs of at least one of the servers to tide people over.

  4. (copied here from the comment so the -1 shows up)

    The fact he freekilled THEN quit is bad enough though. If that rule were to be altered by the community in any way, shape or form; they'd change it to ANY freekill >> leave then permaban. For that reason I'm leaving my decision at -1.

  5. So, now there's a member protest up for you and last night (for my time, GMT +1) you were screaming that you didn't care and to post said member protest on the forums. Then you were spamming and just being a dick in general; come on man, how is that turning down your trolling at all?

  6. The other guys are totally right; the only reason some other people give you a hard time in the servers is because you come off as a little trollish, it's easily fixed by toning down your usual mic routine but so much so you can still keep doing it without getting hate. If that even makes sense, but yeah. Stick around though; man.