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Posts posted by Neo

  1. As admins and mods we have personal lives outside of the video game realm. He may be getting close to the end of a school semester which usually entails tests and the like. We have other mods and admins to watch our servers. If his activity is truly an issue, a DM would talk to him.

  2. It's always a sad day when these incidents happen. I can only wonder what would compel an individual to go out and commit these atrocities. I'm glad he's dead, but from my criminal justice/psych background, I'd want to figure out the why.

  3. If you have left or got kicked out of xG, and are allowed to re-apply, you must have

    - 20 vouches

    - 2 co-leaders to agree on your return

    - waited a month minimum from the day you have quit/left xG (unless you are Neo)



    Ps. if he rejoins i'll post a pic of me (or someone of higher weight aka rabid) with xG on the nipples


    So I don't have to wait a month before returning per the rules. <3 I'll consider myself officially back once @Link_ posts his xG picture. Think I'd forget about that?


    I'm still working on the NS2 division. Everything was moved and changed recently, and should be fully operational by the end of the weekend. If you guys ever need to bug me for help, I'm here just like the old days.


    Just keep in mind I stick with @@Starbuck, so if he officially leaves, I would be gone as well.

  4. I dont know how much more clearer the motd can get....


    Let me demonstrate.


    1. FR/LR Alpha31 explained this well. It says crouching/jumping rules. Er go you could say first reaction last reaction first reaction jump after 5 and tarp.


    2. Motd "Camping: Being within 10 feet of the same location for more than 15 seconds, unless instructed to by a Warden. It does not matter how many entrances there are."

    Ergo it doesn't matter how cheap that T is being, as long as it's 10 damn feet, which is hard to measure since we don't have virtual rulers, the T is fine. Most medics are more than 10 feet. It shouldn't be hard to visualize 10 feet, like camping a cell would not be allowed as it is clearly not 10 feet.


    3. Motd "Avoiding mutes will result in a kick. This includes the T mute at the beginning of the round."

    Ergo admins should not be unmuting the T's before round start. The ONLY viable time this would be done is to play music on allowed days. Not that hard to understand.


    4. Motd "This area must have two or more entrances." Kinda self-explanatory. Can they get there two different ways? If there is ONLY one possible way to get to the outside area then no. On top of the cabin on avalanche, there are like 3 ways they can get outside.


    5. Again alpha answered this question with copy pasta from the motd. "The taser is used to disarm a T without killing them, as a warning shot to tell the T they are breaking the rules or not following orders, or to stop a rebelling T."

    Ergo if they are delaying, they are not following orders, you can taze them. Of course they are going to be mad about it, its fucking lame. Just start killing them if they are detouring and delaying.


    Y u no read?


  5. =( Nooooo! You're not allowed to leave! </3 Well best of luck wherever you go, and I completely understand your thread. I'll just have to make sure to rape you on the Planetside 2 battlefield now instead of scrimming. Sorry for giving ya so much shit on league though, twas a lil overboard even if you did deserve some of it. Also no, you're not getting $40 <3