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Posts posted by Peppermint

  1. Ok we all i know ive fucked up a lot in the past. You can choose to give me another chance or not. Yes i should have been permed from all server but im glad i only got ct banned. This is your choice to give me another chance or not no one is forcing you. Thank you to everyone who wants to give me a chance and to the ones that dont, i understand. I have fucked up a lot and i know the punishment for my actions. I put this up to try and get unbanned but if i dont its ok. I know im probably not because most people hate me but i just wanted to see if i could get another chance. I know i should be permed from all servers because of mass freekill and shit. And yes i know i massed because of a no balls, everyone knows that. Im not saying that i dont disrespect and i never fuck up. Everyone knows i fuck up a lot. All im asking for is another chance. Not gunna whine and complain because i knew this would happen if i fucked up again and i did. It was an accident but only the people that were there would know anything about what happened. You may choose to give me another chance or not. Either way thank you for your opinions/facts about me.



    Yours truely,

    Dirty Dan/Peppermint

  2. Just to let you know it wasnt 3 kills. I thought i was but i killed 2 people and then i only did 69 damage to audible. Probably won't believe me but i rememeber looking in consule. People must of thought the person gkoo killed was someone i killed

  3. STEAM_0:0:25736898

    Dirty Dan


    Ban reason: Mass freekill


    Unban reason: It was accident


    So Gkoo gave orders to take step out face cells and freeze on go. I never heard him say go. He gave a repeat so i thought he didnt say go yet so therefore i killed like 3 people but gkoo killed someone to so i thought i was doing it right but sadly i was wrong. He said go but i never heard him and i was perm ct banned by mike who hates me.

  4. Well im sorry you feel this way. And i do try to help other people on the servers though. And i know i dont show much respect but believe me i have respect for a lot of you guys/girls. And im sorry to go dick mode on you but are you stupid? Haha We dont have servers or a website anymore..thats why i shouldnt be banned cuse it doesnt even exist so therefore i cant play on our servers bro(:

  5. Cant really prove but i was just simply trying to type to whitestar but my Y button is gay or something and i didnt work and i continued to type and i pressed my bind on accident because i thought i was typing at the moment. And i wouldnt fuck up my last chance on purpose. Thatd be stupid of me to advertise on purpose

  6. So yea I was trying to type to whitestar about something and when i pressed why appearently i didnt press Y so i was trying without typing and I pressed my bind for an advertisement for IG which may i remind you isnt even a clan anymore and the website doesnt even work. But this same thing happened to Cookie. She didnt mean to but she got banned. But i know no one wants me unbanned so whatevvs have fun people. Been nice knowing yall :D


    Yours Truely,

    Dirty Dan

  7. I know no one is going to +1 this but i thought id give it a try..and serbian told me to. I dont really play that much anymore atleast not lately but id still like to be able to join ct when i play and help out because we all know there can be some derp ct's sometimes on the server. Thanks for listening

  8. Aegean..man i dont even know anymore. I know that i was prolly really annoyng to you always asking you questions but you were a lot of help and i have fun playing with you. Maybe add me on steam so we can still play. But still you basicly made most of this clan run the way it did. You were an amazing person and you will truely be missed my friend.<33

  9. Hello


    To all xenogamers

    Sometime after Christmas i will be having a steam game give away. I dont know how i will be do this or exactly when but yea.

    If you are wondering why i am doing this it is because i am probably getting a bunch of steam gift cards for Christams cause i asked for a lot. It will prolly be around a $30 dollar game or under. Possibly if someone else i think deserves one i might give away acouple $10 games. I dont know to who but maybe if your nice and such you could be one of the winners. So be good!!



    Thank you for you're time - Dirty Dan (Peppermint)

  10. Yo please unban me from ct plox..ive been banned for like 2 weeks and i hate just being t..

    Im sorry for the mass freekill and i will not do it again and i will think before i do shit like that again.


    Thank you for youre time - Dirty Dan(Peppermint)