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Posts posted by Princess_Celest

  1. Had something go wrong with the outdoor plumbing and it leaked into the basement. Shut off the valve to the outside hose and it took me and his brother in law's family 4 hours to clean up the water that was two inches deep in the basement with 2 wet dry vacs.... If I hadn't been here at their house, they would have come home to at least a foot of water in the basement. This shit happened yesterday. I'll be back home in 10 hours or so...

  2. Hello, I'd like to have a sig made for me using this image:http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx334/Sian_Robinson/heroes_of_equestria_by_fruitbloodmilkashake-d4jk9a5.jpg. It should say [xG:B] Celestia #MLP :FiM in the MLP font they use for the title in the intro. Thank you very much!

  3. I'm gonna be gone until next Monday dogsitting for my friend's family while they are visiting him in Georgia. He's graduating from Basic in the Army. They don't have a computer suitable for gaming but I will be able to check in on the forums via their wireless network on me iPod touch.


    I'll be back in the servers in a couple of days! Besides, they've got cable! I'll be able to hopefully catch some MLP on Saturday!




  4. -1,


    Considering your poor attitude in this thread and the fact that you were ct banned for this exact same reason in the past, you shouldn't be unbanned from CT. I've got admin experience in Hellsgamers jailbreak and although the motd may be slightly different, I can safely say that HG tends to hand out very stiff penalties for repeat offenses such as 35 month CT bans for massing or being a dumbass guard.