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Posts posted by mihaica

  1. I'll come back but we're undergoing huge renovations and I'm very rarely able to access the computer. I'm almost always busy and I can't go on CSS right now, just saying so you guys don't think I died or something.

  2. @StenceHD


    It's been around since 2009... just saying. It's been public since 2010 but open beta in 2009.





    Added both of y'all, stuck in elo hell currently, 950 elo ;'(

    k/d/a of 6/4.2/8


    Top: Riven/Pantheon-Vlad/Olaf/Cho'Gath/Garen/Jarvan/Darius

    Jungle: Olaf/Warwick/Udyr

    Mid: Fizz/Brand/Malz

    Support: Taric/Soraka/Alistar/Malphite

    Ad carry: Draven/Graves


    Prefer: Top > Mid > Jungle > AD Carry > Support

  3. Subscribed, already in the group, liked "Css| Don't be a hero".


    I did this for 1st (Dead Island).

    I just want Dead Island, my gf has the game, so we could play together, it would be awesome.

    Not bad songs btw, and I'm pretty picky music wise. Pretty solid edit.

    Will also take, if I win the bonus or not, two red orchestra guest passes.


    By "XenoGamers Players", you meant "Xeno Gamers: Players (xG Players)" right? I can't find any other xeno gamer group with "Players" in it. XD


    Best regards,

    Alpha Dog


    [Not an xG member yet though, still need a couple of +1's]



    this is the very cool and very sexy Alpha Dog. After participating many times on your jailbreak server, I've noticed a couple of things. Some of those maps SUCK... HARD eggs. Not even kidding, EVERYONE UNANIMOUSLY AGREED on the irrelevance of some maps.


    I'd like to point out a few maps that have absolutely NOTHING to do in the map roster:


    - Sunnycity (seriously, small map and manages to be laggy due to bad scripting, nothing to do in it, 1 disco, 1 vent, soccer is way too small for a server our size, it's impossible to unstack shoulder to shoulder in front of cells when you're passed 40 ppl in the server, the armory is nearly impossible to access from Ts (I don't even know how they CAN do it)


    - Mars (VERY crappy map, the soccer deathmatch doesn't even work, the pool is horrible and the only possible warday area)(no cover too), the map is very small as well and there is no outside space.


    - Afterschool: quite possibly one of the crappiest maps I've seen. The ball barely moves in soccer, no good warday area. The only positive things are the basketball court for thunder-dome and it's fun to break the tables if you're a t. I don't even remember a vent in there.


    - Forest (heard some bad things about it, but I never went on it, usually it never gets voted on)


    Can we remove some of the useless maps from our roster and get new fresh ones?

  5. @@McNeo:

    "Then you should have just shot him if he had a gun pointed at you. Or tazed him."



    Strange McNeo, it says in your own rules that I may kill him. Are the rules outdated?


    "If a T aims directly at a CT or opens fire they are immediately a rebel and may be killed."

  6. I love how you modified the whole story. It's exquisite.


    First of all, he has a primary, and it wasn't holstered, he was aiming it at my face (AK-47) but didn't shoot. I shot him first, you slayed me and told me that I did not know the MOTD that I had to CALL HIS NAME and wait 2 seconds for him to drop the gun. Deathgod himself intervened and told you that you were WRONG and you still proceeded in saying that I was wrong.


    The only thing you did ask me is if "He was shooting it", I said no, he was just pointing it at me.


    (Player was "bigboss", can't remember his clan tags)


    I didn't call anything because he was pointing it AT ME.

  7. D: +1

    W: knows rules, fun to play with, enforces the rules, mature

    M: 9/10

    A: 8/10


    Except we won't accept my judgement so this doesn't count. ;)


    You are right, your judgement is void, you do not know the MOTD and free slayed me. I do not want your judgement even if it is positive.


    I therefore still have 5x +1's and not 6x.

  8. Hey there, this is Alpha Dog, I have been in jailbreaks for quite a while, travelling through HG, XtcR, STEAMGAMERS and Quebec jailbreak and I was also an NO3 member (NO3| God of Death). I am the Alpha. I warden as much as I can, although I still sometimes do mistakes (am still learning your rules, sadly), I learn quickly and I always take responsibility for my actions. I also excuse myself. I would really like to be in xG, with some time and practice, I can be a valuable asset. ;)


    I would also point that, as a warden, you can easily bribe me with cookies and milk.


    Best regards,

    Alpha Dog


    P.S. I prefer Oat cookies.


    I'm also hesitant on sometimes taking warden when I don't know the map.


    P.P.S. The title was a tarp.


    Not accepting judgement from people that do not know the !motd. (That means you Turdwig)

  9. If the person is in a vegetable state, the circumstances of his survival should have been disclosed in his will. If not, it should be disclosed by a relatively close relative that possibly does not inherit much from his will.

    If the person doesn't have the will to live anymore, nothing should stop him from having a clean death (AKA not getting hung from the ceiling, gun shot to the head, etc).


    In general, I do support Euthanasia.

  10. The two series of episodes are quite funny, except for a few things:


    - Southpark are pioneers of televisioned comedy

    - Southpark pushes the limits of what is funny and what is too much

    - Southpark always has a morale behind every store axed on a VERY STRONG morale compass

    - Southpark MAKES FUN OF EVERY SIDE OF THE DEBATE, EVERYONE, Family guy pokes fun at only one side, the one that doesn't reflect the opinion of Seth Green. EX: In Family guy, atheists are superior to religious people and are not made fun of (Brian Griffin vs Religion) while in South Park, they make everyone look like dumbasses (The episode where cartman goes X amount of years into the future to get his Nintendo WII). The same tendency was observed in American Dad and The Cleveland show also in partnership with Seth Green.


    That is why I find South Park vastly superior. Their show is not a cartoon, it's art.

    @@Loki It's only not art if you're not in-tune with the social cultural problems of the world. South Park displays subtle small messages. For the weaker minded, it's a dumb show, but for those that can see beyond the surface, it's a mind-blowing message of morale conduct.

  11. Superman < Hulk

    Superman Prime (after staying 1000 years in the sun) > Hulk

    (presuming Superman doesn't throw the Hulk into space)



    Then again, it all depends what variant of the Hulk we are talking about. Savage Hulk would die, World Breaker Hulk would crush the life out of him no problem, even without the kryptonite). Professor and WWH hulk would be smart enough to use kryptonite induced gauntlets or kryptonite rays to neutralize superman.


    Then again, the ultimate variant in this fight is "Who's the star of the comic book", is Hulk the star, or is it Superman? The victor of such battle depends in 90% of cases on the protagonist of the story (look at Thor vs Hulk battles).

  12. 100% hardcore Atheist here. I personally find it amusing, and it still is in my mind. I do not mind racism either, I laugh at the racist jokes making fun of white people (mostly because many of them are true).

  13. The Elder scrolls are hands down better than Fallout 3 and New Vegas but nothing beats the two first Fallouts, Fallout 1 and 2. AMAZING gamesl (made by Black Isles).


    Therefore, I'd have to go for the Fallout franchise because of Fallout 1 and 2. Fallout 2 = #1 PC game I've ever played.