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  1. Still not gonna be able to be on AS MUCH since it's my last semester in Sciences in College.
  2. AP Biology and Calculus is hard? Come back when you tried Calculus 3. P.S, 2 hours a weekday and 3 hours a week-end is still plenty o.O
  3. What happened with the contest? Was cancelled because lack of entrees?
  4. I'll come back but we're undergoing huge renovations and I'm very rarely able to access the computer. I'm almost always busy and I can't go on CSS right now, just saying so you guys don't think I died or something.
  5. Lmao I just found this, i love song :P
  6. @StenceHD It's been around since 2009... just saying. It's been public since 2010 but open beta in 2009. MOBA MOBA MOBA MOBA MOBA MOBAAAAAAA Added both of y'all, stuck in elo hell currently, 950 elo ;'( k/d/a of 6/4.2/8 Mains: Top: Riven/Pantheon-Vlad/Olaf/Cho'Gath/Garen/Jarvan/Darius Jungle: Olaf/Warwick/Udyr Mid: Fizz/Brand/Malz Support: Taric/Soraka/Alistar/Malphite Ad carry: Draven/Graves Prefer: Top > Mid > Jungle > AD Carry > Support
  7. Activity dropped this week due to addiction towards League of legend and girlfriend. I'll get back on this week though. :3
  8. Huzzah, thanks for all the compliments guys! 8 out of 10 +1's completed ~.o Cya in-game :D
  9. Yes, all of it is extra information.
  10. If you have other maps that you'd like to point out as weak, by all means do it, there are many that are never voted on.
  11. Subscribed, already in the group, liked "Css| Don't be a hero". I did this for 1st (Dead Island). I just want Dead Island, my gf has the game, so we could play together, it would be awesome. Not bad songs btw, and I'm pretty picky music wise. Pretty solid edit. Will also take, if I win the bonus or not, two red orchestra guest passes. By "XenoGamers Players", you meant "Xeno Gamers: Players (xG Players)" right? I can't find any other xeno gamer group with "Players" in it. XD Best regards, Alpha Dog [Not an xG member yet though, still need a couple of +1's]
  12. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, this is the very cool and very sexy Alpha Dog. After participating many times on your jailbreak server, I've noticed a couple of things. Some of those maps SUCK... HARD eggs. Not even kidding, EVERYONE UNANIMOUSLY AGREED on the irrelevance of some maps. I'd like to point out a few maps that have absolutely NOTHING to do in the map roster: - Sunnycity (seriously, small map and manages to be laggy due to bad scripting, nothing to do in it, 1 disco, 1 vent, soccer is way too small for a server our size, it's impossible to unstack shoulder to shoulder in front of cells when you're passed 40 ppl in the server, the armory is nearly impossible to access from Ts (I don't even know how they CAN do it) - Mars (VERY crappy map, the soccer deathmatch doesn't even work, the pool is horrible and the only possible warday area)(no cover too), the map is very small as well and there is no outside space. - Afterschool: quite possibly one of the crappiest maps I've seen. The ball barely moves in soccer, no good warday area. The only positive things are the basketball court for thunder-dome and it's fun to break the tables if you're a t. I don't even remember a vent in there. - Forest (heard some bad things about it, but I never went on it, usually it never gets voted on) Can we remove some of the useless maps from our roster and get new fresh ones?
  13. Hmm, could have been worst. lmao
  14. Sooo... xG is going to turn into one of those family clans?