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Posts posted by ItsAaron

  1. How do you have time to read 30-40 books. Do you guys have social lives? Serious question


    >gaming community website

    >asking if we have lives

    >because we read


    Answered your own question.


    ^ This


    I read whenever I'm on a journey/break at work/ going to bed/shitting.


    Where couldn't I fit a social life?

  2. It's a good series then? I like a massive book series. It feels like it'll never end until it does :L


    Have you ever read a Discworld?

  3. Forest I dont get how you can read the first one and not have started on the next :p Whenever I start a series I always read the rest of them in a row. Including all the Discworlds. 40 odd books :p

  4. Hey I gave a serious response and you never replied :3


    I've read all the Game of Thrones to date too, starting before they were considering making a series cuz my sister bought it me for christmas thinking I might like it, and she was so right. The TV series will never have as much porn and violence as the books though :L

  5. I know I don't have the 100 forum posts mentioned in the Mod submission rules thread, but there are a few reasons I believe I should be given mod status anyway, one being that I am active not only in game, but on teamspeak and (on one occasion) tinychat too.


    I know every single rule in the MOTD for jailbreak (mainly because knowing them helps me get some easy kills as CT ;) ). I'm responsible, and fill every position when playing, including wardening fairly often. I attempt to help people understand the MOTD better themselves, and try to explain to people anything they might have done wrong. I'm English, but work nights, so I'm on at pretty much every conceivable hour, including the much more down time hours.


    The problem is, during the hours when there are less people online, I see alot of freekilling, bad orders and other broken rules, but there's very rarely a mod online to do anything about it. I think it'd be a great help to the server if I could be given mod status myself.


    Thanks for reading my app, and thanks in advance for any possible support :encouragement:

  6. This sounds really interesting. I read... alot. It's mainly sci-fi and fantasy stuff, and lately I've been reading the Ringworld series, which is sci-fi. Set around an expedition to an artificially created planet which is basically just a giant ring around a sun, with thousands of times the surface area on it as that of Earth.


    There's like 3 or 4 in the main series, then there's 3 prequels to it which have nothing to do with the ringworld itself. But I'm absolutely loving them. And I'm defo gonna take your recommendation when I'm done.

  7. New map starts @@GanjaMonster and $nakeboyeric are CT. We are all told to freeze on Ganjas spray, and as eric runs past me I knife him in the back, get his gun, and freeze in the stack. Ganja starts wetting himself, with a manic desperate laugh he is completely unable to suppress. I keep on shooting at him from the stack and it all just goes south from there with him hiding round the corner :')

    Made me lol somewhat.

  8. Just recently joined xG, mostly play JB but I do like RPG surf a lot, was my first xG love <3

    Currently eating chinese takeaway and drinking Jim Beam and coke so thought I might as well introduce myself.

    I'm English.

    Dunno what else to put.


  9. Bombing Warriorsfury in jailbreak, round after round during pretty down time hours has got to be one of the most continuously entertaining thing I have ever done for myself.

    It started with getting him with a bomb like 6 rounds in a row. Then other people started joining in. Now it seems that anyone who is anyone is trying to bomb the fuck out of warrior. His pleads for mercy and panicked instructions to keep them facing away at all times will never stop me shedding one tiny tear of enjoyment :')

  10. Hey everyone. I've been xG-Rep for far too long now so thought I'd attempt to join properly. Pretty much the only servers I go on when I play CSS are jailbreak and RPG surf, and on both servers the xG community always seems pretty awesome. Especially the Americans who think my accent is sexy, but I forgive you all for it because you don't know better <3

    So yeah thats pretty much it. I just wanna be a proper part of the xG community rather than a background person.


    Thanks in advance :encouragement: