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Posts posted by Monsterdog

  1. Hey you guys just leaving a check notice that I might not be playing that much due to me going to the hospital this morning because of chest pains. The doctor thinks I might have some kind of symptom that will affect me later on without medication. So I will be having some test done on me within the week. They arent hard test but they say that if I dont have them then my chest pains my get worse and I might have a stroke. So I might be on as usual or less. So I hope I can get through this and Dry more people(sarcasim). But just telling everybody here to take care of your bodies and dont ruin it. Cause you might end up where I am. Even though I dont know it was caused. But wish me luck.

  2. This is what Ganja said when he lied about Orangejuice Abusing powers.

    Ganja Words not mine [xG:A:F][OR4NG3JUIC3 Abuse

    heres my input on this, you got PM and u aboose it we watched u do it when u spam for warden in ur own video and guess what u get it and tell people talk over me ull be muted, u mute people when u should not even have warden thats aboose, we had 4 ppl agreeing that you spammed and most of them are ADMINS not some scrubs, there was no aboose in there.


    Well he lied just so that Orange could go away free without a warning. Ganja has also trolled,abused powers, and has had anger problems in the past and nobody actually did anything to him. You cant use the excuse yeah he was demoted twice and showed he was good so we gave him back his powers. Well he hasnt. He still has anger problems and he still likes to troll people and abuse powers so give it a +1 or a -1 your choice.

  3. what due to the fact that Warrior always wants to be top dog. And me getting demoted was idiotic because I havent abused my powers at all and I did do my job. Want me to bring along some people that have actually seen me do my job. So me getting demoted was stupid cause I did my job. And if your going to demote me then why not demote the others that havent done their job and usually abuse. I have proved that admins abuse and they think its just a little problem. So why should I get demoted. Demote the people that have been warned numerous times because I HAVENT BEEN WARNED CAUSE I DONT ABUSE.

  4. Warrior stfu you stupid fuck. You cant do fucking shit even if you could. I did do my job. You of all people though should stfu You want to be big and bad cause you got mod. This proves that you want to be a power abusive little bitch. I did not fucking abuse powers and I did not get as much warnings as ganja and you stfu warrior cause you aint shit. I dont even know how you even got fucking mod. You are a fucking stupid kid that just wants to be a power abusive fuck.

  5. kk So let me get this straight I get demoted because you guys have no evidence of my abusing powers but yet you demote me. Ganja has had more warnings then any other member combined. and he dosent get demoted. Kinda shocking how nobody demotes ganja even though he has abused powers and has been warned so many times. So if I am getting demoted then shouldint ganja also because he disrespects,trolls,abuses,and like to have anger problems. He should be demoted to member not me.

  6. kk So let me get this straight I get demoted because you guys have no evidence of my abusing powers but yet you demote me. Ganja has had more warnings then any other member combined. and he dosent get demoted. Kinda shocking how nobody demotes ganja even though he has abused powers and has been warned so many times. So if I am getting demoted then shouldint ganja also because he disrespects,trolls,abuses,and like to have anger problems. He should be demoted to member not me.

  7. I did not Freeslay Minecrack I didnt even slay him at all. If this is the logs then where is the part that should say that I slayed him. See this is false cause I have never slayed Minecrack yet. So this just proves right here that I have not slayed him cause I was banned at 5:15 so technically how could I have done that when I was banned. You get my point. So they just basically lied and I should be unbanned.