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Posts posted by TheAlphaWolf

  1. So I'm going to make this quick, I was never good with goodbyes.


    When me, Shorty, and Blat Blat, (If you even remember them,) played the RPG surf server together, it was awesome, and at the time the communitywas great.

    But now, i feel out of place, as everyone new, | >Names unspecified | seems to disrespect everyone but their closest friends, so I feel it is time for me to go. I also remember when I was loved on these servers about 3 - 5 years ago, and was a regular player, and i usually was around top of the team. Of course, back then I had no enemies. But again, seems like the whole clan hates me, or at least most of it.


    So to wrap it up, to all you new people, I'd just like to say: Please, if you want to keep xG alive, then don't be a dick to everyone, whether

    Sexuality, or attractions, (Furry, Brony, ETC. ,) are not to your preference, you and no one else have the real defined right to judge them.

    Opinion or not, and as much as they'd like to say it, and this goes to you as well, words will ALWAYS be remembered. They just get pushed

    to areas of our head where we don't look. Especially for the people who DO apply to what I've said above.


    Anyways, Piece out, and good luck with the clan Admins, DMs, Co-Owners, and Silence.

    - Wolf, Wolf Lunariss Rage, Gryphixx / FlameWolf760


    [Oh and one more thing, if you are in xG and remember me / still care that i exist, feel free to keep me on steam, but don't expect instant responses.]

  2. I have noticed the following patterns;

    1. It usually only occurs on xG servers (for whatever reason, and it started i believe Thursday.) Nothing out of the ordinary other than the crashes.

    2. I'm not sure what you mean by 'a lot' as there always is on xG surf, but to answer honestly i don't know.

    3. Drivers are as current as possible, without being a development build.

    4. Happens anywhere from 4 - XX amount of players

    Thanks for your post, I'll try that reinstall method soon. :S


    EDIT:EDIT:: Crashes are random, but have become more frequent. Everything i try doesn't fix it. (Though it does not crash on original CS:S maps.)

  3. Hey, lately I've been having these very random game crashes in counter strike, and as some know, i use weapon skins.

    This isn't the problem, I've noticed. I reinstalled my game, completely, and before that, deleted those skins. Even lowering 'rate' in console doesn't work. So if anyone has any sort of idea to explain this, please tell me. This is very annoying, and i can not get any console reports from CS:S anyways on why it crashes. Thanks for your time!!!

  4. I want to join xG because it seems like a very nice community for games, and i wouldn't really want to be anywhere else. (Also that these are the only reasonable app requirements I've seen in a long time). Another reason being is that i'd like somewhere to go, instead of looking around for three years. Not that i have anything better to do anyways, that's all i have to say. :)

  5. I'd like to join [xG] because of its great community, and because i need something other than watching TV to occupy me during the day. (I have been playing on [xG] servers for a while now and would like to join mainly to add to the community, not just use the servers as ways of entertainment.)


    Referral: K12Turtle


    (415 hours of game time, 1D about 3h on XG servers)