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Posts posted by Gkoo

  1. Just thought of something that will even it out drastically.

    How about if the White House is never stated to the T's/Prisoners. Only to the CT's through teamchat.

    Same rules apply, only difference is that the T's/Prisoners have no idea where they are coming from.

    Making it harder for the Prisoners to destroy the CT team.

    @Poncher I also agree with the President being able to wield any weapon.

  2. When the president makes it to the bunker, you continue to play it out as a Warday. We aren't going to slay all Ts. The Ts can still continue to try and kill the president.


    Once the president dies, you continue to play out the day as a Warday. There is no lr on presidents day so you can't play it out as a freeday.


    And the part about Ts not being allowed in the bunker, I'll clear that up. It is meant so Ts do not camp the bunker before the CTs make it there and wait for CTs to come in and pick them off. I'll change it to once the president and his fellow guards make it to the bunker, Ts can attempt to enter the bunker as well.


    Thanks for the clear up. Can you add a sentence saying, "If the President dies it is played out as a warday."


    Yeah, I was just wondering if there is anything easier for the CT's other than Slay@T's. Because we want the CT's to attempt to get to the bunker. Other than saying there is no point because it is a warday either way.

  3. Motd:

    Presidents Day

    Warden chooses a White House and Bunker location. All CTs go to the White House. Ts should be given an opportunity to get guns. The Warden is president and the CTs are body guards. Warden is allowed to use knife or pistol only. At a given time the CTs must escort the President to the Bunker. Ts are not allowed in the Bunker room. All Ts are kill on sight. Once the bunker is reached the CTs must defend the President. The day is played out as a warday with no LR.


    Break down from MOTD:

    - Whitehouse is first location.

    - Whitehouse can have 1 entrances.

    - Bunker is the ending location.

    - Bunker must have two entrances. (>>Warday if completed)

    - If the president reaches the bunker, it is now a Warday in the bunker.

    - If the president dies it is a freeday. (Nothing is stated on the MOTD)

    - T's/Prisoners are not allowed in the bunker.



    1. T's are not allowed in bunker. However, if the president has made it there. It is a warday. Making the T's unable to participate in the warday.

    2. Nothing is stated for when the president dies.

    3. When the president dies it becomes a freeday. Which is a problem because CT's might be activily shooting a T when the president is killed. >> Freekills.

    4. Too easy for T's. Even if CT's reach the bunker.


    Solutions: (Asking for opinions)

    - When the president reaches the location all T's are slayed. (It is the best option we have. Looking for other opinions)

    - When the president dies it turns into a global warday with LR.

    - Prisoners are not allowed in the White House or Bunker.

    - President is able to use any weapon.



    Asking for opinions.

  4. A: 9/10

    M: 10/10


    This guy will definatly rank up in staff when accepted. The most mature guy on the server. Never disrespectful, often stops others from arguing with his great attitude. His focus is to keep the game fun while following every rule. So much knowledge of the motd, seem's like he wrote. I have yet to see him make a mistake.



  5. Sounds great.

    Make it like the PG Jailbreak server on CSS.

    Go to that server and check it out. Works very well in game. Only addition to the motd would be the server rules for Guntoss. Add no drugs.


    For those that don't feel like going on the PG server.

    It's basically a list of a dozen or more drugs.

    - Marijuana (Weed)

    - Morphine Diacetate (Herion)

    - Benzoylmethylecgonine (Cocain)

    - Methamphetamine (Meth)

    - Lysergic acid diethylamide (Acid)

    And many more.

    Each with an upgrade or downgrade. For example, weeds colors your screen with slight opacity and gives you 110 health. (Not exact)


    I'm not sure what each drug does, so check out their server and see for yourself.


    (Hope that wasn't advertising)

  6. I agree when im on (usually everyday) He never comes on and also makes fight with some Members of xG and also non-members. I was on JB the other day when he was on. i specked him I saw him become the warden terrivble at it and also his mic cut and started to kill everyone. ( I couldn't record it but I will next time)

    EDIT: I change my decision to +1 i saw him being helpful to players and i guess he'll be a good mod (Still change ur mic lol)


    Oh, you were serious. I respect your opinion.


    However, the time you came on and my microphone was lagging was created by server lag. I wasn't informed of the server lag until after. The admins informed all CT's. (Everyone's microphones were lagging) And called a Freeday.


    I am unaware of the "fight" I have with Members and Non-members. If you know who I disrespected, please tell me, I would like to apologize on behave of my actions, if this problem did occur.


    FYI, Hidingmaster's post is not serious and a troll post.

  7. This is a problem, and slay would help solve the solution. However, giving these powers to specific people will also act like a moderator. It doesn't really serve the purpose of having stability at all times. Thus allowing us to give these powers to the majority of xG members. It might work, might not. We just have to try it.


    However, when a moderator/admin is on the sub-moderator's powers are restricted.


    That's just my opinion.