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Everything posted by Tundric

  1. +1 to unban Kriti. While he did admit to scripting in the past, i dont think the case at hand is balanced at all. first of all, xG bhop has an extremely high airacceleration setting, as well as what seems to be lower gravity and friction. anyway, i think of myself as a reputable bhopper, as some of you may or may not agree. my point is, im able to accelerate by about 150 vel in one jump while prespeeding in a circle. dont know if you guys know this or not, but xG bhop uses the settings that a server with autobhop would use and then some, so accusing someone of scripting on such a server without the tiniest piece of tangible proof is ludicrous. personally, i've seen little of kriti bhopping, however, i know him to be quite reputable, and an overall chillax guy, while this may not be relevant, and due to the lack of what i've mentioned before, i don't think kriti does currently script. appeal.
  2. Bumped into this player today, and noticed that a lot of his messages were really spaced out, which is what most bhop scripts do, they spam spacebar, even if the player is typing a message. To add to the suspicion, he was even asking "Hey guys, why can't i bhop?". Screenshots below. [ATTACH]3595.vB[/ATTACH] I also have a demo of me asking him about it, if requested I will supply :)
  3. Please note: I do have around 2,500 hours played of CS:S overall, however, I listed the playtime I have on my current account. My other hours I have logged on my TF2 idling account, as well as my first Steam account which had actually belonged to a friend of mine. Call me a no-life, you have all the reason to now :). I like to believe that I am semi-known on either the RPG surf server or the bhop server. Then again, I could be wrong. Edit: Oopsies, I appear to have messed up the format. I wasn't aware that there was a limit for each section, the 'Helpful Skills:' section is suppose to be similar to: I believe this is a kind of general question, so I'll answer it to my fullest capability. • I can keep my cool throughout almost any scenario, no matter how hard that troll is trying. If this isn't of relevance, I apologize. • As the previous bullet segwayed into, I'm easy to amuse and difficult to make angry. • I'm a horrible surfer and a decent bhopper. • I know my way around photoshop. Sorry if some of these things aren't what you were looking for in that section, wasn't sure on the exact context of said 'Skills' that were desired.