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Posts posted by zippo

  1. Well you Haven't met the certain Rules you need to be in which is 2 months but u have been in for 1 month and also did you get to get permission if u can post if you didn't Donate and if it was okay. -1 -1 -1


    Differnet rules, this is not CSS.

  2. Zippo, I've been playing JB a lot and you becoming exasperated over the fact that some one talks bs about you is a clear indication that you're not ready. Becoming sentimental over little arguments and not maintaining your composure states that you`re not ready. Evidence, based on this thread. You`re arguing, you could have just accepted that fact and waited a little longer but you decide to argue in aforementioned thread/ replies. If you have team speak I never seen you on it. I'm not denying that you're a good warden, being a good warden is only the least of it. You know the a lot of the rules but you miss out on a lot as well. You have to understand that their are certain criteria you have to follow and uphold. It's more of an ethical decision here and you're being biased about the decisions implicated on you. In retrospect, I don't believe you're ready to be a moderator. You're not mature enough, never on team speak (if you are, I never see you) and become sentimental over futile discussions. Reason why I said futile is because of the -1s' you've received from higher ups, therefore this discussion is now useless (my opinion).


    Said statements, it's -1 as of right now from me. If you wish to debate against me, go ahead. Prove me wrong and I'll change my -1 to a +1.


    Btw, I'm enjoying this vicariously (till I intervened..), let it continue!


    Thanks for your oppinions.


    I understand that some of these arguemnts has gotten way out of hand, and to be honest, I am embarrased of the outcome. I believe its in the human nature to get frustrated every now and then, I dont think I can do anything about that. Everyone gets frustrated from time to time, but as a mod I'll just have to do what I can to ignore it.


    I am on teamspeak from time to time, but when I'm there its usually when I play CS:GO, and theres usually nobody else in there, and when there are other people in there, theres usually so many that you're gonna have to mute your sound to hear the in-game talk. I don't feel like I have anything to do in the other rooms, since I don't really play any of the other games. I do go to the CSS scrim rooms and play with the guys down there every now and then. Other than that, I sometimes just sit in an empty room doing nothing.

  3. Lets start with the "bitch" part. I dident directly call you a bitch, I said "Don't be a bitch about it." Dont change the truth. I also never said anything about getting you banned, once again, you make up stuff. For the "Can't hear myself part"; You said you had a video of it happening, so I said "Oh nice, can I have it? I cant hear myself in mine." Which you ignored as far as I remember. Also stop making up stuff about how I do this and that. If you have evidence, go ahead and make a complaint about me. This thread is about you, so dont use the "The best defense is an offense" bs here.



    I'm also gonna go ahead and call BS on all the other stuff you said, about how I talk over people and don't let them get their point across. I don't "harrass" anyone.


    All you do is point fingers at me, and when something bad happens, I'm always the first one you blame. I recall you saying something today like "Oh IF I DID THAT, then zippo probably would have bitched to me about the rules" or something like that.







    Oh and for minneapolis; Same as I just said before, this thread is not about me. If you have a problem ,feel free to bring up your personal problems in your own thread. Now stop being mad because I -1'd your app.

  4. Well, he was the warden, the round was going fine, then in the end where it was me and some other guy left, he said "Ok, now we're gonna play trivia!" So I say, "Well, if its not surprise trivia, you have to tell us what the prize is." Then he said "Hold on a minute." Then he put in a question, and then, when I lost, he said "Well, winner always gets LR when its trivia."


    Copy paste from rules:



    The Warden can play a trivia game, but they must ask very basic questions including: simple math, history, current news, or a popular topic that the Ts would want to play. Typically the Warden will tell all players the prize before asking the question, but the warden may also do surprise trivia. Surprise trivia is when the Warden does not reveal the prize to the T’s, but the prize must be typed into CT chat. For surprise trivia the Warden must give the winning T an opportunity to keep or pass the prize (prizes may not be passed to a CT). The question will be asked by the Warden in text in all chat, and the Ts must answer in text in all chat so the CTs can see who answers it CORRECTLY AND FIRST. In the event of normal or surprise trivia, no more than 3 Ts can die due to a single trivia prize. The prize can never be a personal Freeday. If their question is disgusting, bias, or religious-based, they will be slain or CT banned. Any trivia questions should be PG- 13.



    Please pay attention to the bold text.




    I dident really care at first, about this, but when he kept being immature and annoying about it, I decided to post the complaint. When he killed me and I said "Wow freekill, you have to tell us the prize." He was like "Lol nope, its always LR, look in the rules." So I typed !rules, and as arrogant as he is, he says something like "Yeah keep looking in the rules, you wont find shit. You're wrong blablabla" Then I find the part, which is also bold in the quote, and copt paste it in chat. Funny enough, he still wont admit that he was mistaken, and keeps going on about how its always LR.




    Demo: http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/94319550/file.html

  5. -1 does a good try, but somehow still seems to act immature in one way or another. Yesterday we were playing first reaction last reaction, and when he did something wrong, and I tried to explain to him how it really was he was just like "Lol nope, speechluss told me so, thats what he told me" So I tried to tell him he might have misunderstood him, but nope, he was very certain. Then I went ahead and asked speechluss, who conviniently was on the server aswell, and then he proved him wrong aswell. However, he still kept going on about it, and started yelling at me/everyone else who tried to explain.

  6. 1. You do use HLDJ in inappropriate times


    2. People don't -1 because they are haters, they are simply giving feedback


    3. Not every single rule is carved in stone. Like Peekachoo was saying, you often try to bend/manipulate rules to your benefit.


    I dident say anyone was haters, what are you talking about? I appreciate peoples feedback, when what they say is correct. If people come here and talk bs about me, because I don't get along with them, then I obviously get irritated.


    I think this is the case with you, ronaconda.


    As I also told him, if you're gonna call stuff, that I do, please give examples.

  7. -1 No proof. Although in your defense, since you gave the order to face the cage and the T started looking away, that itself is a reason to kill. Another thing, If the T also pointed the gun at you, that is also a valid reason to kill.


    As I said, I asked zrined before making this, and he said that he would tell us his side of the story. Him telling his side, would surely be enough proof, no?

  8. So, heres my side of the story:


    I was warden, there were 4-6 T's in a line, facing a cage. I told all the T's specifically to face the cage. Then we were doing surprise trivia, and at one point, some CT started running thourgh all the T's. Then Zrined slayed him, and even though I always thought slayed people don't drop guns, a T still somehow got a pistol. So when the T got this pistol, he immediately turned around, and pointed it right at my face. I instantly shot him, as that is rebellious behaviour according to the motd, AND not to mention, I specifically told the T's to face cage.


    After I shot him I said "Whoa! You pointed a gun at me!" and then three seconds later, Zrined slayed me for "freekilling."


    Then we had a long argument on TS about how this was, or wasent a freekill.



    Zrined's points:


    My reason for killing him, was that he pointed a gun at me.


    I told them all to face the cage, and he looked away, so I was in my right to kill him.


    He was "confused" when he got the gun, and wanted to see who gave it to him.


    Thats not my problem, he broke the no facing away from cage order.




    When I then told Zrined that pointing a gun at a CT is rebellious behaviour, according to the MOTD, Zrined said "Well, he was confused, and looked around before he picked up the gun" or something like that.




    Please note: I was NEVER asked for a reason, as to why I killed him. Zrined said that my reason for killing him, was that he pointed a gun at me, but I never said thats why I killed him.


    The reason for this could be, that when I killed him I siad, "Whoa don't point the gun at me/you pointed the gun at me!" or something like that.




    I'm only posting this because it irritates me how zrined is just muting his sound on ts when I'm trying to discuss it with him, nice and calmly. I dont expect no action to be taken against him, I just want others oppinions on this. And possible for him to learn to not be so quick on the slaying button.

  9. I wasn't trying to just -1 to be a hater. Like I said, I'd be glad to change it. The point I was making is, you can't just be a hardcore nazi about certain rules and then just ignore others. That would be hypocritical. It's all or nothing. The instance I mentioned previously was one where neither myself or Zippo were fully in the clear, but imagine if he were mod, and decides that gets a slay. I mean, you can't just enforce only the rules that benefits you.


    As for the HLDJ, I definitely heard you when it wasn't free day, and I mentioned in game chat. Also, if I'm not mistakened, I recall you playing the pokemon theme song during pokemon. You mean to tell me that you were just playing that song for the heck of it during a free day? Come on, man. It's not a big deal, and it doesn't make you this hardcore rulebreaker, but you just gotta realize the lack of objectivity there.


    And I see that as being detrimental, especially seeing as how tough Zippo is when he's warden during Simon Says. Imagine if he makes a mistake.


    I mess up in the server too, but I challenge anyone to see my freekill and not admit to it and slay myself.



    Ok, I don't get why you keep going on with this, but if you insist.


    First of all, I don't have any pokemon theme song. All the songs I have, was from a pack that nighty gave me, who some other guy gave him. Funny how you're so certain about this.


    What do you mean with, enforcing some rules, and ignoring others? Please give examples.


    I've been playing a disco song, during some disco shit day where the warden asked me to.



    If I dident know any better, you're trying to put me in a bad light here buddy. I do make mistakes, I never said I dident. I often slay myself because of an accidental freekill.


    And for the "imagine if he was mod". I know what its like to be an admin. I've had years of experience on that point, and I admit I have fucked up from time to time. But when I do, I take the garbage that comes with it. In that situation, I wouldent have slayed you. I would have asked you about it. And then, as I also said in my previous post, I would have realised that the reply was a late one, and went on with my life.