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Posts posted by Vegalyp

  1. I would say to the OP that to some extent the media is to blame. However, there are too many variables so we can at most say it is partially to blame. The best thing is for children to not play M rated games, like TheAlpha said. Also like BillyMays said, if we controlled every possible variable including eliminating all guns in the world, people would still kill people for no rhyme or reason. The best thing to do is to make people realize that human life is sacred and not to be disposed of except in a few cases (War for JUSTIFIED reasons, execution of prisoners who commit heinous crimes, and self defense).


    Vector, to your other questions, video games influence people. All media influences people, but it does not cause people to shoot kindergartners. It is my opinion that parents should have a stricter watch on their children (Without being oppressive, mind you) and on what the children do. All too often, parents attempt to be the child's friend instead of provider, teacher, and guardian.


    As to the mental health aspect, seeing as how my major is Psychology, I can say one thing with certainty: We do not and will never know all of the answers. That being said, people who do these acts almost always come from a history of mental health issues that are never properly met. This is mostly because people view a mental health problem as something to be avoided, much like the plague. In reality, mental health problems should be viewed more like a physical ailment in that the person is not to blame. Seeing a psychologist/psychiatrist/counselor is more akin to being apart of a cult than it is seeing a Podiatrist. If we could fix this, then these people would seek and get help, and events would almost never happen.


    As to gun control, yes and no. Some areas need to be changed. Background checks should be mandatory, and mental health records should be pulled. However, almost every single gun crime committed, is done so with an illegally obtained gun (1). So, limiting guns to those who will go through the proper channels is stupid at best.


    Just my € .02.


    (1): Source: Firearms and Crime Statistics

  2. [ATTACH]4269.vB[/ATTACH]


    Edit: I don't see why we shouldn't discuss politics. Yes the rule is not to, but this is the debate area and as long as everyone keeps their cool, we should be able to. Just my €.02.


  3. Well, I am new here, but I will offer my observations. Be polite. Follow the rules. Try to keep it lighthearted. Don't beg for stuff. Ask questions if you do not know the answer. Finally, post as many nude pics of your girlfriend as possible.

  4. A much easier solution to these problems is this:


    Go to street corner

    Woo passersby

    Seduce passersby

    Win at seduction

    Get laid

    Get money

    Get AIDS

    Spend money on treatment for AIDS


    Nevermind, it wasn't any more helpful than the aforementioned thoughts.


    Moral: GET A JOB

  5. Could you send us the link to the card? Also, was it refurbished? And, does it black screen/artifact when you start the computer or when you play a game?


    From what you have said though, it seems like you may have bought a lemon or it is overheating. First, check the temperature of your card. GPU-Z is a wonderful utility for this. Record your temps and post them here. Now, you did say that it was reaching AROUND 60 degrees Celsius, but please post exact numbers. I would also try to download the latest drivers if you haven't already.


    Is the card still under warranty? (Does AMD even give out warranties?)