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Posts posted by Scooter

  1. This is my goodbye. To those who knew me well and have decided to remain, I wish you well in the xG community, to those who have grown to dislike me I take solace in knowing you will be delighted to see me go. I would post a lengthy message but I know it will have no affect on the people who I would like it to. Silence I would just like you to know you are your own disgusting cancer, and I hope you will come to realize that before you drive even more members away. I have enjoyed my stay in the community, short as it may have been, and I wish it the best.

  2. I wasn't banned though was I? Then you complain I emptied the server when none of your staff banned me


    Well when you react the way you did to a kick don't you think we're a little conflicted to act on anything. You're the leader of the community, we don't know what to do with you when you start breaking rules and offending people.


    I don't need to assume, your steam profile speaks for itself and you can come up with all the excuses you want to justify your terrible activity. Plus you have only 20 posts on the forum, which speaks for itself.


    All I can say is you're wrong. You're assuming and you're wrong. I do only have 20 posts on the forum you're right. I'm not terribly active on here and I haven't been since I started playing. I'm on TS whenever I can be and I am on HLSW when I can be.



    If the servers are lacking in population, the division leader is responsible. Server's just don't get popular, it requires dedication, something you obviously don't have nor want. You are justifying mediocrity and that is discerning.


    Im not justifying anything. I'm telling you why the servers are empty. Are you the kind of person who blames the president when something goes bad? I don't understand that logic. That's why I don't agree the server populations issue is Charrax's fault. You don't think I want to be dedicated to this? Why would I be spending my times on the forums now making posts about how I think things can be changed and how we can better the community through certain actions.




    This is offensive. Blatantly offensive. I shouldn't have to break down why your own comment is offensive to you. You knew the intention you had with it when you posted it.



    But hey, I guess that's because your staff can't ban a single RDMer and have to blame him on emptying the server, AM I RIGHT?

    No we ban RDM'ers (its not like we indorse breaking the rules, thats not what happens) we just didn't know what to do with you. Punishment is dealt when punishment is needed. Its not like you're one to abide by your own rules. You come into TS spamming your microphone, screaming into it half the time I've ever been around you. What was it that one time. 3.6 gigs of gun sounds all played on top of each other?

  3. The population of the server has dropped significantly, or wasn't there to begin with, and you justify it by blaming another player on the server? Why didn't the admins ban him? Why didn't they ban me when I was RDMing?

    Hah, this is funny because you were kicked. Then Derp was IP Banned and couldn't come back on. Punishment was dealt and you felt the need to get pissed of and enact revenge for it.


    Your steam profile shows that you have less then 17 hours of GMOD gameplay in the last 2 weeks. I doubt you are trying that hard since the majority of other players have more hours of gameplay then the division manager!


    You assume I am just regularly inactive. I was out of town last week, and I had end of cardmarking tests the week before that. You've just come across an actual exception to the fact I am on quite a bit.



    You are obviously socially-inept since you can't grasp what I am saying to you and assume it's taunting. I am simply posting evidence to support my claims, something that you obviously can't do to justify your lack of gameplay hours.


    I don't think you understand how your own actions are understood. Or you simply don't understand what an insult is. What I am saying is your evidence doesn't make sense. You put up graphs of populations over the last year and said "Its Charrax's fault".



    The fact that you assume I'm making fun of you is disappointing, to say the least.


    Bullshit. It was a offensive and you know it was offensive.


    Edit: I'm not here to have a pissing contest with you Silence. I came here to say what I have to say and to defend myself/Charrax when needed. Now we can go back and forth endlessly or we can make this constructive and you can give some advice on how I should be trying to keep the server populated instead of calling me socially-inept and typing in caps out of frustration.


    Edit to the edit: I can get a server up and I can tell you how I can get the servers population going, i've done it before and we in the Gmod division know how. However, if I'm wrong and there is a different way, please enlighten me. I'm not here to compete I'm here to help.



    You're attributing Charrax as the problem here. I don't understand how he is the problem when it comes to popularity. We know how to get the server going. We just don't have the staff to maintain the server population twenty-four seven. Plus, it doesn't help when we're trying to get the servers going and things like Brians killing or hell, even your prop killing/rdm fest the other day that effectively killed the population of DarkRP. So if you want to hold Charrax responsible for that kind of behavior then I do not know how I can argue with you on that. So go ahead and mock me like you've done in the post above, go ahead and give yourself that pat on your own back. You act like my comment is ridiculous when Charrax actually does maintain the server, he keeps it running and tries to fix errors. Its just the staff we have (and the lack thereof) struggle to keep the servers up because we all have our own lives and our own agendas outside of this. Now I don't know what you do for a living Silence but I don't have all day to sit at home and try and keep servers filled and going, and neither does Derp (who you seem to have a problem with, even though he is one of the best staff we have) or DrPepper, or DMT, or Vegalyp, or Pooperism, or Charrax, or any other Staff member in the Gmod division.


    Edit: And yes I see that there is a problem with population, its not increasing when it should and the Gmod servers are not as active as they can be, but you act like we don't recognize that and aren't trying to do things to help improve the quality of the servers.

  5. See the activity? That is not getting better, its getting worse and has not improved since August. One could argue that is due to summer players but the fact is there are zero spikes during school breaks, which completely puts that claim to rest.


    I don't understand what Charrax has to do with the popularity of the server. Where is the correlation there?

  6. There was no outcome with that protest, Charrax harrassed all the co-leaders to delete the thread because he felt it was wrong, and he ended up closing it himself claiming it was null. The outcome was that your division leader simply cannot handle allegations towards him and resorts to childish behavior towards said allegations.


    How was there no outcome? Everyone had a chance to post and any actual input seemed to have stopped by the time it was closed (which it was closed because I advised Charrax that the thread should be closed because of the bickering that was going to take place between Charrax and Xemnas and that it was unnecessary for it to remain open) Isn't the outcome the fact that there was no collective agreement to ban him? The outcome was that he wasn't banned.

  7. Are you saying Charrax can't get banned?


    No that's not what I am saying at all. I'm saying that a protest has already been done about Charrax and we have seen the outcome. I was making a point to Warriors that Charrax has already had a protest against him and that the decision then was made. I was saying that it isn't needed in this thread as this thread isn't about Charrax its about Brian.

  8. Hard to tell witch room is witch when the names are never something that relates to gmod.


    Collectively among the Gmod staff the room that has a password (which all staff know the password) is known to be the staff room. The names are changed all the time and if that is against the rules than that is its own issue. My point here is that because you cannot recognize which room is the admin room immediately does not mean that we as staff do not know how our rooms operate. Perhaps they should be left as simply Admin room, Public room, and DarkRP room and from now on I think they will remain as such now that the issue has been addressed.

  9. +1 For demotion:




    The way he acts doesn't seem like the correct way to act as a Co-Leader. A lot of you are saying that this is a "one time" thing (even though you're all being provided with two situations where Brian has upset somebody). My question is, is a one time action like this permissible? I would think a Co-Leader should be someone who abides by the rules and sticks to them in all situations. They are people who have an incredible amount of authority and with that incredible amount of authority they have a lot of people who are behind them. Brian has shown he will break rules and RDM (freekill if that's the lingo for CSS), more importantly that he thinks its okay.


    I went mayor because it was an Obama skin, and gunned down at most 3 people. If anything, it was ironic.


    You guys all take aim at Charrax and that he has a problem with Brian. Which is true. However, that doesn't void the fact that Brian didn't act like a Co-Leader in this situation. Now I get the fact everyone here seems to hate each other. Which is, in my opinion, maybe the most idiotic part of all of this. These threads are about abuse and how to handle them. The evidence that Charrax has collected is immediately dismissed as biased and well in Warriors way of putting it "stupid". Bias works on both sides here, obviously nobody wants to acknowledge each other on any level and everyone wants to carry on like nothing happened.


    I'd rather have a fun community than a strict prison.


    I'm all for a fun community, but this isn't fun at all. This is funny to some and irritating to others. Its just where the power falls what dictates what is fun and what is abuse. Now I don't expect Brian to be demoted because of this thread mostly because of the refusal to even consider that any problem that is existent. (Yes Warriors, if you are continuing reading this post this the problem I am talking about). Partly because this is only evidence to two minimal instances of where Brian has done something wrong. There is an inflation of damage done on Charrax's side and a denial on the other side of anything being done wrong at all.


    -1 for removal of membership:


    Brian just seems out of place in his position, not a terrible character all around (which is where we have this fight coming from. This seemingly Team Charrax vs Team Brian). Now I don't want to see Brian given the boot out of xG, that would be ridiculous punishment that is completely out of line.


    On a side note: How we all seem to deal with these threads is ridiculous. Why do we have such a divided community? Why do we sit in Teamspeak channels and talk down other Div Leaders, Co-Leaders, Div Managers, and any other person in the xG community. Was there ever a pleasant mesh of people to begin with or did everyone just hate each other right off the bat? Now I'm not incredibly new to this community but I'm new enough to not know why everyone treats each other this way. Not to long ago we faced what was supposedly the "end of xG" or rather the bandwagon of players who left the community to go to some other community that the name escapes me. Doesn't everyone think its time to stop this bullshit? I took this position as Div Manager for Gmod hoping to mend the wounds between this division and the other divisions. Its been two days and I've realized that there are not wounds here. There are mortal gashes in the fiber of xG that are very slowly grinding everyone to a bureaucratic gridlock. All I ask is for everyone to take a step back and realize what they came here to do in the first place. Play, have fun, and enjoy the people around them.

  10. I refuse to acknowledge that this thread exists? Why would I be posting here then? Unless you mean something els.


    Not this thread, the problem.


    You are bringing back the same argument over and over and it's stupid.


    You are saying the same thing over and over and over again to the same thing Charrax is saying. At this point it just seems like you are disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. Although at this point its hard to tell which one of you are the chicken and which of you are the egg.


    Yes this is a radical statement but why not bring it up?


    This thread isn't about Charrax, that is why. The thread name is "Brian" and it is concerning Brian. If you feel so heavily that Charrax should be banned (as Charrax feels Brian should be banned) perhaps you should go start another member protest against him so you can get the same responses Xemnas got when he tried it. So it's a radical statement that isn't relevant.

  11. The chat log between you and Brian. It is showing that he was joking


    It shows he was joking but that that it wasn't appropriate joking. As Forest had said in Charrax's member protest


    What you may consider disrespect/harassment, may not be taken the same way if directed at others.


    Charrax felt that he was disrespected and that as a Co-leader Brian should not be doing this action. You feel as though this was Brian being funny, whereas Charrax (the recipient of the action) feels that what Brian did was inappropriate and unwanted. It was blatant disrespect.


    You could have waited for another co-leader to come on.


    This is part of the issue. You've just stated that Charrax should have waited for another co-leader to come on to what? Deal with Brians behavior? That's what this thread is about. His behavior isn't appropriate for his position. That is what Charrax is getting at.


    If he gets demoted you should also.


    This is a radical statement that has no relevance to this thread. This thread is about Brian's actions and whether or not they deserve punishment. Charrax's membership/position was decided in his member protest by Xemnas.


    Also I'm sitting in here (in here being Teamspeak) listening to you talk about how Charrax should be banned and that this thread should be closed because its "retarded". Obviously there is a problem here, and you seem to refuse to acknowledge that it exists.

  12. Well at this point I feel like I'm just pouring water on the already extinguished fire, I'd like to get my two cents in.


    Xemnas: First off. I'm disappointed. I liked you. I always did. I can honestly say I would have never expected this. While others seem to enjoy putting out their metaphorical cigarettes in your metaphorical wounds I would like you to know I am sad to see you leave, especially on a note like this. However, there are criticisms due here that I feel you deserve to hear. Seeing as though the idea of punishment being applied where it is due is a fresh topic among everyone, I'd like to make this a good example.

    You blatantly lied about all of our opinions. You say people like Derp, DrPepper, Vegalyp, are all looking at leaving. People who, in relation to the xG community, are all incredibly interested in remaining in it. You state there is a consensus among the Garrys Mod Division about Charrax being impeached of his position of Div Leader but instead of that you go for xG regicide against him. Attempting to get him thrown out of the community altogether. What does that aim to accomplish? You cripple the community you're trying to protect by removing the one person who knows what he's doing and is working hard to make everything run as smoothly as possible. Xemnas had you even asked Charrax to reserve his comments, to act kindly towards you? Or have you just decided this is it and that Charrax deserves this punishment for your own inaction to deal with it? Hell, had you have come to me at any point with concerns over Charrax's actions and his behaviors I would probably have been the most sympathetic and helpful to you. You can ask Charrax, me and him have had issues in the past, and they were resolved by communication, not abrupt and ignorant calls of punishment.


    You mention people such as Bane, Sousei, and Gavin. These people are the people I related to as "xG trash" (well not actually mentioned, but those were the people I was talking about + more) back in Tariks unban request. You go to these people as your evidence? As your source of support? Did you think that through? I can honestly laugh at this one. You picked the people who are destructive to the server, if they left it would be constructive. I've said this what? Three times now, that certain people aren't conducive to the server. Congratulations on picking the least likely people to support you with actual reasons on why Charrax should be removed.


    In conclusion, you have just shown that you overreacted and couldn't deal with whatever Charrax was saying to you or how he has been treating you. You call for some ludicrous actions and attribute your feelings on to all of us and expected it would go in your favor. Now you've been told you're wrong and your done with game you've been playing? Now you've successfully created more drama in the community where everyone thinks we're being too serious for a game anymore when really we're just doing what we should of been doing all along. You said it yourself.


    I am fairly new to xG though but I'v heard and seen that xG is a very nice community. I had no intention on making this today until Charrax said this...

    It should have been left at that, you should have never made this. I feel like you knew that then, and you definitely know that now. You created something volatile and it blew up in your face.


    Sousei: You and I have never been on the best of terms. Mostly because I never liked you. You never seemed like somebody I could enjoy playing TTT with. This was probably shaped by the fact I didn't enjoy playing TTT with you. Funny how experience shapes attitudes towards people isn't it? I don't think you, or anyone complaining about Charrax, get why he is hostile to certain people or dickish to others. He isn't someone irrational, he isn't inherently obnoxious to everyone. Just to people he sees as deserving of his treatment.


    You think we all "cockride" Charrax? Good joke. I've told Charrax off more than once, all of us have our own quarrels. The difference is we all understand the concept of dealing with our issues with other people. (Wow this must sound redundant, seeing as though this was the same issue said above). You say Charrax picks who he likes to be his staff. Not based on who is more capable. Has the thought ever occured to you (and I severly doubt it) that the people who Charrax has as his staff, are the ones who are best fit for the job and are the ones he likes. You assume we all agree with Charrax, you assume what goes on in the channels of Teamspeak where the staff of Gmod resides is all peaceful and "dickride"-ing. You assume this and you are wrong. Simply wrong.


    Charrax's attitude: Everyone seems to think he is this irate asshole who simply hates on everything. That his attitude is driving this division into oblivion. I can safely say that I have the most experience with Charrax here, as I have known him for many years, and everyone is missing why Charrax is why he is. Its necessary. Charrax's attitude allows him to pick out who he finds to be helpful and who he finds to be the most beneficial to the server and then he can disregard everyone else. Of course he has biases and of course he has "favorites" but his behavior isn't entirely based on those things. A lot of people who frequent anything only like to associate with people within their own groups. Charrax doesn't automatically disregard new people. We have new staff coming in, new people Charrax likes and finds they can work well with the server. He just prefers to show his displeasure of others to them. Charrax is not someone to just talk about someone behind their back. He will talk about them wherever and whenever, including in their presence. This automatically offends people more. Charrax will call you a faggot, if you are a faggot. Chances are. You're probably a faggot. Charrax's attitude, as some of you have said, is actually beneficial. Its what stops the Gmod division from being a huge clique. It allows for change, but only the right change.


    Banning: In reality, its a gray area. I personally believe its apparent when people are idiots/hunting for a perma ban and then there are bans that are overkill/misunderstanding. However, in the time it takes to understand what someones actions were and being able to react to their action there is not enough time to fully go through and deal with the true process of banning someone. Most of the time, people who are banned, are people who are just the kids who come onto the server and start breaking rules just to break rules. Now, we're starting to see cases where people who are part of the community are facing bans that should be in place but because they are part of the community there is a hesitance to just perma ban them like we've done the rest. Charrax tends to deal with things like this in the most efficient way possible, just get rid of it. There is no connection between an empty server and players being permabanned. The problem there is all about nobody wants to play an empty server. So yes that is why we the staff need to be there to get the server rolling. It usually only takes one or two people to enter a server and even if they are idle people join and start playing. I've done and continue to allow Gmod to run while I am busy doing other things and I've come back 9 to 15 people all playing in a server. Phobic mentioned a member retention issue, that doesn't come from banning either. Members get interested in joining because of a working server. When people such as Sousei or Tarik or any other people bring it upon themselves to do whatever they want with the server while an admin isn't present you're not going to retain those players because you've created an environment that isn't TTT and it isn't what we advertise. The leniency that we've had to everyone is the problem. If we want to get more players going in our server we need to cut the slack and start running it like a true server, not a playground for our own members.


    Oh and because I forgot. -1.

  13. -1 (All of this regarding TTT) Not a constructive player. More of a character that causes damage and creates environments where what TTT should be played like is morphed into some joke RP mode that they take upon themselves to establish as temporary rule in the server. I would sympathize with him if a ban was irrelevant to TTT but at this point it seems more like taking out the trash then an overzealous ban.


    Regardless of that I feel more for the players that are forced to go along with the shenanigans that players such as Tarik partake in. To be a player that has come to play TTT and is expected now to do whatever joke RP that has been established or to have to deal with whatever ridiculous friend-on-friend RDM that takes place between Tarik and his friends.


    It seems everyone here misses the idea that we are here to enforce rules upon everyone. Whatever leeway exists among staff-players is surely against the idea of unbiased enforcement. In examples like this however it crosses the line. Most of you who support Tarik support him because he is your friend and refuse to acknowledge rules have been broken (mostly because most of you break the same rules at same time as Tarik, maybe not in this instance, im not really sure, this is more of a broad statement). So feel free to react to the final banning of a player amongst your group, but realize that this is a cumulative decision. Something that was given a chance to resolve itself but Tarik (or again any player like this) proved to us that he is not a constructive to player to have on the gmod servers.

  14. So you just admitted to banning him based on an assumption...


    No. I never could ban Duplolas. I stated that before. Reading the other posts where I said I had no ability to ban Duplolas due to a glitch would of told you that.


    EDIT: I was not the one to Perm Duplolas in the end. I've just been stating what my relations with Duplolas were like, and how I feel his playing on the server should be resolved.

  15. No we've played multiple times. Again, do not tell me things to do that you have no understanding on how they work. I don't know what kind of proof you want me to give you. I don't save screenshots when I've slayed/kicked/banned for RDM. I just know it has happened, and I know I've slayed you for RDM and kicked you as well. As of this point its not as much of "You have done X so you deserve Y" its not as black and white. Right now you're in a gray area where we've determined that you do not contribute positively to the playing environment that exists in the server. That isn't something quantitative that I can show to you with pictures or dialog or any form of "evidence".



    However, over-reacting to what he does and taking action immediately him without hearing him out won't do, so the ban should be shortend to about a week?.


    No. This is not what has happened. I have entered the server before (this has happened twice in my immediate recollection, contrary to what Duplolas is saying) and Duplolas was in a heated argument with another player. I did listen to them, but Duplolas wouldn't drop his attitude or let it resolve without yelling over the microphone and typing out the same things he was saying over the microphone. I told him to stop and he refused. This is what happened.

  16. I'm going to stop you right now and tell you you are wrong about whatever concept you have about banning. A LUA error happens when certain peoples names/steamids are entered into ban. Bane and Phobic I believe are people who have this error. You as well. It is an actual error in the admin software(?) that is used for the server. The only way to go around it is banning through ban list in HLSW, which even that is temperamental.


    No, I wasn't referring to one specific time. I just know I've come in to the server to make sure everything is going peachy and mostly every time I joined you and someone else are in an argument over something. Disrupting the game and trying to make everything revolve around yourself and not giving up an argument after being told to.


    All other commands work on the server, I could kick you, I could slay you, I could rocket you, but I just could not ban you. So do not tell me what you think I can do, when I know very well what I can do and not do.


    And as for what you say about what you've done this last week, I'm not aware of. Nor do I care, I wasn't there, and I don't know what you did. What I care about is what has happened in the past and how I feel about that when I was there. My opinions of you are based on my experiences with you. Those experiences are not good, and I do not think you should play on the server because you are not constructive to the game play.